Set in ancient Japan and steeped in real-life folklore and mysticism, Otogi - Myth of Demons is the story of Raiko, an undead warrior who must stop a ferocious demonic army that has been unleashed upon the Earth. As a long-forgotten doomsday myth materializes, Raiko must quickly master more than 30 weapons and 12 varieties of magic to dispatch endless hoards of demon warriors, massive boss characters and everything else that gets in his way.
Blending frenetic fast-paced 3D action with deep RPG elements that allow gamers to upgrade weapons, magic and character attributes, in addition to managing an inventory of special items, Otogi - Myth of Demons delivers more than 25 massive, highly-destructible environments to explore and decimate. Trees, walls, furniture and even entire buildings can be destroyed as gamers master dozens of special moves and techniques that make for the most intense, stylish combat available on Xbox.