Chaos Legion - PS2

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Also for: PC
Viewed: 3D Combination Genre:
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Capcom Soft. Co.: Capcom
Publishers: Capcom (JP/GB)
Released: 2003 (JP)
5 Sept 2003 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 12+
Features: Vibration Function Compatible
Accessories: Memory Card


Every now and then, a developer releases a title that seems to just sneak up on an industry normally preoccupied with racing games and incessant movie tie-ins. This is one of those times. On this occasion, we look at Capcom’s Chaos Legion for PS2. Many have heard of it, but it’s a bizarre title and some will know little about it. Let us shed some light on Capcom’s latest venture.

Chaos Legion is an intense tale that follows the life of the powerful swordsman Sieg Wahrheit and his old friend Victor Delacroix. When an incident leads Delacroix to fall into darkness, it becomes Sieg's mission to pursue him before the world descends into a looming chaos.

It's very much like your average fantasy role-playing tale, and while that’s true, Chaos Legion offers much more than endless streams of narrative and cut-scenes. It’s offers elements of traditional hack ‘n’ slash gaming too. There are no random battles here, just an endless stream of mythical bad dudes.

But you’re not alone; you’ll be responsible not just for yourself, but for a series of legions capable of wreaking havoc on anything that approaches. Each legion has signature weaponry and capabilities, so gameplay is balanced. Some have bows and arrows, others are loaded with bombs and swords. Best of all, when your legions become more powerful, you become more powerful.

The Chaos Legion game world is one of the most lush we’ve seen for quite a while, and, with the addition of dozens of beautifully rendered allies and enemies, looks magnificent. The visuals are crisp, and given the amount of on-screen action, runs remarkably smoothly.

In a nutshell, it’s an epic combat game in which you must summon legions to destroy other legions. Yes, it’s all good.