American cartoon series Rugrats has seen a variety of video game incarnations across a multitude of platforms. As time progresses, the series is moving onto new territory, namely Game Boy Advance, in the Rugrats first outing on the platform, Rugrats Castle Capers.
Kids aside, Rugrats Castle Capers tells the story of Chuckys father, Stu, from the speaking-babies point of view. After being commissioned to develop a new ultimate toy, Stu is caught with the new prototype in the back yard by Angelica. Adopting a finders keepers, losers weepers strategy, Angelica takes charge of the new toy and begins confiscating the kids most prized possessions. You must stop her!
Castle Capers takes place over six well-known classic environments, albeit renamed, including Babies and the Beanstalk, Snow Queen and Ali Baby and the 40 Fleas. Hmmm. Very much a platform-orientated affair, Castle Capers entails the player running around slightly hazardous locations, jumping over deep chasms and accumulating a variety of collectibles along the way, including candy, cookies and coins.
Players may participate as any of the Rugrats characters - including Phi, Dil, Lil and Chucky in what can only be described as a simple, addictive platform game. Have fun!