Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Game Boy Color

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Also for: PC, PS2, Xbox, PlayStation, Dreamcast
Viewed: 3D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Soft. Co.: THQ
Publishers: THQ (GB/US)
Released: 27 Oct 2000 (GB)
Unknown (US)
Ratings: 11+


There are some jobs that only come around once a lifetime. Vampire Slayer is one of them. “To every generation a Slayer is born,” or so the saying goes. Luckily in our generation the Slayer is Buffy Summers, as played by the undeniably attractive Sarah Michelle Geller.

Fans of the show will feel fight at home with Activision’s license of the title from the word go. There are eight levels all with settings from the TV show, including Sunnydale Zoo, the old mansion, (woooh!) and Sunnydale Cemetery (double woooh!)

Each level begins with a cut scene with most of the major characters present. You will get to see Willow, Xander, Anya, Giles, Cordelia, Angel and of course Buffy, passing around the little comedy quips that have seen the TV show become so successful.

The game plays as a side scrolling Beat em up. As Buffy, you make your way through the spooky levels fighting off the molestations of a giant army of the undead. To do this you have at your disposal Buffy’s array of kung-fu style fighting moves. When a Vampire is encountered the game stops scrolling and the action takes Streetfighter twist. Once you have beaten down the energy bar of the enemy, Buffy bends over and inserts a wooden stake into their heart. Delightful!