Interviews// Peter Molyneux

Posted 1 Jul 2010 17:26 by
Games: Fable III
The Xbox 360s
The Xbox 360s
SPOnG: The focus seems to have shifted a little at E3, because although there was a lot of excitement around it and a lot of spectacle, there weren't so many new announcements. I know Sony in particular announced a couple of big games in the weeks before E3. I know you had the Xbox 360 slim...

Peter Molyneux: That was a well-kept secret, actually. It was code-named, I knew about it months before, but to actually keep it a secret and to have it at retail a few days after was really cool.

You're right... but, hang on a second, aren't you just expecting too much? We can't do this every year! We can't pull rabbits out of the hat every year and it is, because of the sheer number of people that are involved in E3 - hundreds and hundreds of people - it's very, very hard to keep a lid on all that. It's incredibly hard, because there's a lot of stuff going on. There are a lot of 'pre-announces' going on, so that rather than it leaking out it's actually controlled to be out.

So, you know, I think last year, 2009, because I think Natal (now Kinect) did seem to come from nowhere, and it did seem to be very different. We all hoped for a similar rabbit this year and it wasn't quite there, I agree.

SPOnG: I wanted to ask about Milo, because of all the recent confusion (about whether it will be released as a game). I think some of the confusion comes from people not really understanding what it is. It does look like a very well-polished tech demo.

Peter Molyneux: Yeah, it does, doesn't it?

SPOnG: I don't think people understand in what way it's a game. You mentioned 'narrative' in your talk earlier. Is there anything you can say that might explain that a little bit?

Peter Molyneux: I mean, here's the thing - it's a very very brave, very unique title that is very hard for me to talk about without you seeing. So, I've been asked not to talk about anything at all about it.

We did show it at E3 behind closed doors to some celebrities and to some very high profile people in Hollywood. And, universally everyone loved it. But they didn't show it on the press briefing and oddly, strangely, a lot of the Cirque du Soleil event was actually about Milo, weirdly enough, which you'll see at my TED talk in two weeks time.

So, what I'm doing in the TED talk, because a TED talk has to be 18 minutes, you can't go over, so I spend two minutes talking about the tech and then we are just going to play the game. So you're going to see the game. You're going to see little bits of the first hour of the game. And I think you'll get what the game is, then.

SPOnG: OK. Well, a lot of what we've seen for Kinect is stuff like Kinectimals and the sports title, and as you were saying in your talk, a lot of that stuff seems kind of obvious. Is there anything we've not seen yet - or maybe it's Milo - that's going to make us go, 'OK, that's how this is going to really do something different games-wise'.

Peter Molyneux: Now, you said a word there, you said the word 'gamers'. Now, I think gamers - and we are doing work on Kinect in Fable, we haven't announced what that is, we've announced that we are doing work on it - and I think gamers are going to have to wait a little bit longer. Because Kinect is more for a broader audience than it is for gamers. The challenge that I put down to everybody, as we kind of said, is 'you've got to think of it in a completely different way.'

Kinect Sports
Kinect Sports
So, I'm sure there will be games that have more core gamer [elements] for Kinect, but at the moment the focus is on those titles that you saw at E3. Which, as a gamer I would definitely play them, but there's not a first-person shooter. There's a racing game, Forza, which is fantastic, but so far as core gamers are concerned I think there's a lot of work behind the scenes going on.
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Games: Fable III

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Jimmer 2 Jul 2010 09:16
"the games equivalent to a rockstar"

Oh dear.

I suppose he says this sort of thing enough times some journos might start spreading it around.

I remember when Molyneux described "The Movies" as something the likes of which we had never seen before. It was a Theme Park style micro-management game with a fun little movie-making aside.

I remember when Molyneux said that Black & White was totally original. He got it on the front page of Edge and everything. It turned out to be an okay RTS with a humourous giant animal sidekick that you could either completely ignore or use as an organic Mammoth Tank.

When will the media stop letting Molyneux use them to advertise his mediocre games?

The last great game he made was Populous...
TimSpong 2 Jul 2010 11:07
Jimmer wrote:
"the games equivalent to a rockstar"

Oh dear.

I suppose he says this sort of thing enough times some journos might start spreading it around.

Come on Jimmer, since when has the term 'rockstar' meant a necessarily good thing? Jon Bon Jovi's a rockstar for goodness sake.


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Jimmer 2 Jul 2010 12:19
But games journos have been massaging this guy's enormous ego since the early 90s!

I know people who have worked for him and other "rockstars" like Braben and the gruesome twosome who started Codies. Seems their huge egos pretty much ensure that everyone who works for them is deeply unhappy and overworked, while the games they put out are largely overhyped b******s.

They are dinosaurs from the Speccy/C64 age who should have stepped aside after the Amiga/ST.

DoctorDee 2 Jul 2010 17:13
I could agree less. And I do. Peter is good for the games industry. So he gets excited, and over-eggs the pudding sometimes... but it's always out of enthusiasm rather than cynical marketing lies. And while his days of making extremely innovative games may be lost to the sands of time, that's because there are and have been far more games since then, and being original is harder to do... but at least he still tries, unlike some. And he's never produced a real stinker, unlike most. So overall, I think he's good for gaming.

I also know several people who have worked for him, none have a bad word to say about him. I know people who have worked for other gaming companies, and many of them were overworked and unhappy.

Jimmer 2 Jul 2010 18:48
DoctorDee wrote:

I know people who have worked for other gaming companies, and many of them were overworked and unhappy.

Sadly I think this is true of most people in the industry...
TimSpong 5 Jul 2010 08:55
Jimmer wrote:
DoctorDee wrote:

I know people who have worked for other gaming companies, and many of them were overworked and unhappy.

Sadly I think this is true of most people in the industry...

Are you back in games yet Jimmer? What's Maff, any ideas?

Jimmer 5 Jul 2010 09:05
No, I am still jobless and starting uni full-time in September. Hopefully supplement my meagre loan with a bit of web design.

Maff is doing web design stuff with another of the senior artists from Piv. I understand they are doing okay.

I am very cynical about the games industry (in case you hadn't noticed). There were moments when it looked like my dream job but then the passion was quickly snuffed out by asshole producers and publishers with no vision or faith in the team.

It actually got to the point where there was a producer for every designer! They would come round throughout the day to see what you were up, the ultimate in micro-management. A real shame. I get the impression it is like this at a lot of studios, although apparently not all (thankfully).
TimSpong 5 Jul 2010 10:27
Jimmer wrote:
It actually got to the point where there was a producer for every designer! They would come round throughout the day to see what you were up, the ultimate in micro-management. A real shame. I get the impression it is like this at a lot of studios, although apparently not all (thankfully).

You should definitely write us a feature on this... drop me a mail at


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