The elusive GT5.
A number of high profile games had been released throughout the year at this point, but for PlayStation 3 owners one system-seller was still out of reach:
Gran Turismo 5. Us Europeans love the racing simulator, and the anticipation for the game’s release got so feverish that rumours began suggesting that the game would launch in time for the Tokyo Game Show - 25th September. Of course, Sony was quick to smash that one (“
Sony Scotches Gran Turismo 5 UK Release Date Rumour”, 8th Sep 2009).
For Konami,
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 was hoped to bring the studio’s football series back on top after a reputation knock from the previous year. The publisher tried all manner of things to maintain interest in the latest game throughout 2009, and news of a demo seemed to do the trick (“
Konami: “Not Long” for PES 2010 Demo”, 7th Sep 2009).
In other sports news that hit the SPOnG Top 10 for September, Electronic Arts spent the month building momentum for the
Skate 3 hype train (“
EA Games Skate 3 First Trailer”, 15th Sep 2009), with a trailer released detailing the social and community aspects of the game. Senior Producer, Jason DeLong, also revealed a launch window for the game, stating that we would see it hit PS3 and Xbox 360 in May 2010.

MAG. It's massive, yo.
When it comes to generating interest in a new IP though, Sony knew the right buttons to press - the company announced, via its European official blog, that Beta keys for the 2010 256-player shooter
MAG were being handed out. It was all a bit nuts though - 16,000 codes were up for grabs to anyone and everyone that wanted to try the game ahead of release (“
16 Thousand PS3 Mag Beta Codes to Give Away”, 15th Sep 2009).
As Joe Public was getting stuck into
MAG several months early, SPOnG also had a little playthrough of several upcoming titles this month. Chief of these was, thanks to the hype,
Modern Warfare 2’s first look, but we also took a peek at Rockstar’s
Beaterator and
Chinatown Wars on PSP, on top of
GTA IV’s final DLC
The Ballad of Gay Tony and Bioware MMO
Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Tim Schafer, legend.
We also spoke to Tim Schafer. Yes,
Tim mother-fucking Schafer - a man that can be found under the very definition of the term, ‘legend’. He was around to talk to us about
Brutal Legend (a game that Svend SPOnG covets, bless), but
Psychonauts was also covered, as well as the concept of humour in games.
We also ventured into digital distribution territory, by attending a special
Nintendo event in London, featuring WiiWare and DSiWare games heading to the platforms in late 2009. We reviewed a fair number of games too, including
Metroid Prime Trilogy,
Mini Ninjas,
Cursed Mountain and
Championship Manager 2010.
Oh, and a little game called
Halo 3: ODST. You might have heard of it.

Sony done pissed these guys off.
With the amount of good press and great original product being launched on the PlayStation 3, you might have thought that Sony were turning a corner and on to a good thing with 2009. Just don’t tell that to Nigeria. Like, the whole country.
In the US, SCEA ran a new set of TV adverts that put a humorous spin on the features of its flagship console. One particular commercial has a ‘blogger’ speaking with a ‘Sony representative’ about the PS3 price drop, with ‘Kevin Butler’ retorting, “You can’t believe everything you read on the Internet - otherwise, I’d be a Nigerian millionaire by now.”
Well, the Nigerian government didn’t like that bit. They didn’t like that bit, one little bit. According to national newspaper, The Nation; “The advertisement currently circulating... creates the impression that Nigerians hardly do genuine business” (“
PS3 Manages to Annoy Entire Government”, 8th Sep 2009).
A statement is included by Information and Communication Minister Prof Dora Akunyili that says, in the time of Sony’s operations in Nigeria, “There is no established record that the company has recorded any major fraud by Nigerians.”
Maybe a bit too serious? Perhaps, perhaps not - but the seriousness only threatens to continue into October, we’re afraid...