Reviews// Killzone 2

To indicate the direction of incoming fire the screens is spattered with blood...

Posted 2 Feb 2009 17:06 by
Your squad mates aren't around to act as accidental comics through the game - they play a much more serious role. Throughout most of the campaign they're your co-combatants, your buddies, providing support and covering fire. Having a non-player character at your side is a tricky balancing act for any game. Too active and you could stand back while they do all the work. Too passive and they're pointless baggage. In Killzone 2 your buddies certainly appear to make themselves busy, to the point where I was almost convinced.

Where they fall down is in their appetite for battle, specifically their habit of charging into untenable positions, where they fall in a blizzard of gunfire. Having your storyteller laying dead simply won't do, so to answer this they lay writhing and shouting for your help. Given the intensity of some battles, it's probably best you help out with quick zap of your magical medic device. It's a shame they can't do the same for you. Still, the checkpoints are plentiful and the restart time after a careless death is mercifully fast.

I say mercifully fast because, despite being a seasoned FPS gamer, I have to admit to not being very good - particularly when called to zero in on a target in a pinch. Perhaps its my age, with reaction times slipping away with every year that passes. Seasoned or not, the game controls are gently introduced from the moment you take charge on leaving the dropship and enter the battle on the shores of the Corinth River.

There you go, sprinting, crouching, taking cover and using the much talked about "peek and lean" feature. I can't understand why this has become such a hot topic - it's not like it hasn't been done before. Never the less, it's an essential skill to master if you're going to make serious progress because, before long, you're subject to the unwelcome advances of dozens or so Helghast.

A criticism on the first game was the lack of the ability to jump, so it's a welcome addition that is well implemented - you can hop onto or vault over anything at waist height, but you can't make infeasibly huge leaps. This keeps you within the prescribed route without the sense of being completely hemmed in by the scenery, as with the original game.

In a bid to do away with as much visual clutter, and present a more cinematic experience, the game's designers (Guerrilla Games, as if you didn't know) opted to do away with the usual status and informational displays such as ammo levels and health. To indicate the direction of incoming fire the screens is spattered with blood on its relevant portion, which works well when you're taking small fire. Under heavy fire it becomes more of a problem, as it's difficult to pick out the source of attack when those spatters overlap an become screen consuming mess. In these situations you've little option but to run and hide instead of quickly dealing with the threat. I found this happening a lot initially, as Killzone 2 is pretty brutal in the amount of damage you take from what in most FPSes would amount to little more than a scratch.

Weaponry - ISA and Helghast - sticks almost completely within the realm of today's conventional firepower rather than energy weapons and force fields. From sub-machine guns and assault rifles to grenade and rocket launchers, despite the futuristic setting Killzone 2 is much more about believable combat than a scrapbook of sci-fi fantasy. Accordingly, needing to watch your remaining ammo and manually reload during moments of respite means it pays to consider each engagement before throwing yourself into it - this isn't a run-and-gun affair. This is especially true because you're only able to carry two firearms at one time - and one of these is always a pistol.
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config 2 Feb 2009 21:06
Thanks for the valuable comment ... but no game ever deserves a 10/10, and 11/10 is just stupid. *Every* game could be improved, hence not perfect, not 10/10.
Was p 3 Feb 2009 00:33
Haters here wrote:
this game is 11.10 stop hating!!!! Jesus all other revies have Killzone 2 as 11/10 yet you find falt! hate just hate

ps your forms make me so saad but not as sad as you!

11/10? Does know one at PSM check their fractions before posting? I think you'll find that's 1&1/10.

PS Roll on Thursday and the demo.
more comments below our sponsor's message
Was p 3 Feb 2009 18:16
Haters here wrote:
this game is 11.10 stop hating!!!! Jesus all other revies have Killzone 2 as 11/10 yet you find falt! hate just hate

ps your forms make me so saad but not as sad as you!

I was looking forward Killzone2, but now I realize that this moron, and his ilk, will be lurking online, waiting to vent noise and light brained insults into the multi player. If there isn’t a quick and easy mute option, then the score needs knocked back four points, which in case he’s reading this and straining with the maths that’s down from 11/10 to 33/55.

TimSpong 3 Feb 2009 19:01
Was p wrote:
I was looking forward Killzone2, but now I realize that this moron, and his ilk, will be lurking online, waiting to vent noise and light brained insults into the multi player. If there isn’t a quick and easy mute option, then the score needs knocked back four points, which in case he’s reading this and straining with the maths that’s down from 11/10 to 33/55

It must be later than I thought: I first read that as "this moron and his elk". Anyway, there is no getting away from the fact that people like him do exist. Thankfully they no longer inhabit the Whitehouse though.

Was p 4 Feb 2009 19:32
7/22 are taking Killzone pre orders at £29.99. Has anyone seen better?
OptimusP 5 Feb 2009 11:21
Was p wrote: are taking Killzone pre orders at £29.99. Has anyone seen better?

God will sell his used copy for the promise that you don't commit any sins...for a year.
TimSpong 5 Feb 2009 11:34
OptimusP wrote:
God will sell his used copy for the promise that you don't commit any sins...for a year.

But don't be proud of yourself for doing so.

Oh, and don't covet Satan's Special Edition box-set.

Was p 5 Feb 2009 12:01
OptimusP wrote:

God will sell his used copy for the promise that you don't commit any sins...for a year.

Define sin in the context of this offer.
Was p 5 Feb 2009 12:09
Tim Smith wrote:

Oh, and don't covet Satan's Special Edition box-set.


What do you get in Satan's box-set? And is it worth the extra sacrifices? (As I’m short on chickens this month, and the pure first born are hard to come by.)
doi 22 Feb 2009 03:19
SPOnG, there have been numerous articles on co-op play.. They had originally planned to implement it as post DLC, but have recently said its impossible due to the massive graphical display.
PreciousRoi 24 Feb 2009 07:33
Saw the latest Killzone 2 advert tonight...they really need to get off Halo's jock yo...

"Killzone 2: War...Perfected" seems awfully similar to "Halo:Combat Evolved" to me, I mean they claim to have "more people in development than Microsoft and Nintendo" they can't come up with an original tag line? Its not even particularly good, even if it wasn't a blatant ripoff of Halo's.
OptimusP 24 Feb 2009 14:32
doi wrote:
SPOnG, there have been numerous articles on co-op play.. They had originally planned to implement it as post DLC, but have recently said its impossible due to the massive graphical display.

aka "we're lazy f**ktards and don't you people know standards have been dropping like bricks these last years, this is not the N64-era where everthing had four-player splitscreen. We're using a lot more powerfull hardware, don't you understand!!! Oh wait..."
Killian 24 Feb 2009 14:42
doi wrote:
SPOnG, there have been numerous articles on co-op play.. They had originally planned to implement it as post DLC, but have recently said its impossible due to the massive graphical display.

so what? still doesn't have coop in it and that makes it a big failing
SuperSaiyan4 26 Feb 2009 12:16
cell989 wrote:
Now this is what I call a review, nothing like that Sh** UGO website.

The ONLY game to deserve a 10/10 or higher which I have played is Halo: Combat Evolved that game was truely perfect in every way and the only thing lacking was what gamers wanted only when Xbox Live was released and that was Halo 1 online.

Halo was and still is one of the greatest shooters of all time, 10/10 for music, 10/10 for graphics, 10/10 for AI and 10/10 for gameplay.
OptimusP 26 Feb 2009 12:39
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
cell989 wrote:
Now this is what I call a review, nothing like that Sh** UGO website.

The ONLY game to deserve a 10/10 or higher which I have played is Halo: Combat Evolved that game was truely perfect in every way and the only thing lacking was what gamers wanted only when Xbox Live was released and that was Halo 1 online.

Halo was and still is one of the greatest shooters of all time, 10/10 for music, 10/10 for graphics, 10/10 for AI and 10/10 for gameplay.

You've never played any kind of shooter from before 2001 have you...poor boy...don't worry, it's not your fault...well no, it is.
Here's a hint, don't try Quake Live, your brain might explode.
DrkStr 26 Feb 2009 14:19
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
that game was truely perfect in every way

SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
the only thing lacking was what gamers wanted

Not perfect then, was it?
SuperSaiyan4 26 Feb 2009 16:57
DrkStr wrote:
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
that game was truely perfect in every way

SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
the only thing lacking was what gamers wanted

Not perfect then, was it?

No read it again, when it was released it was PERFECT it still is however later on when Xbox Live came out gamers were after an update so they could take that perfect experience online but it never happend.

The game was not released whilst Xbox Live was out, Halo 1 was a launch title and the best launch title ever.
buck 7 Mar 2009 08:17
I wouldn't class 94 out of 100 hating. Good review, good game, looks great but COD 4 is more fun online.
SuperSaiyan4 9 Mar 2009 16:59
I have only played maybe 2hrs worth of KZ2 and I have to say the gameplay is not to my liking at all, also the controller is very offputting and overall the game feels like its trying to be something its not.

Halo games and Gears of war actually feel like shooter games, they have the right mechanics and everything about it feels right.

KZ2 I just cannot for the life of me get into that game, the graphics are very good but not mind blowing and I like how the audio comes out of my AMP as DTS.

I will be trading the game in this week hopefully God Of War 3 lives up to my expectations as I loved the second one.
headcasephil 9 Mar 2009 20:11
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I have only played maybe 2hrs worth of KZ2 and I have to say the gameplay is not to my liking at all, also the controller is very offputting and overall the game feels like its trying to be something its not.

Halo games and Gears of war actually feel like shooter games, they have the right mechanics and everything about it feels right.

KZ2 I just cannot for the life of me get into that game, the graphics are very good but not mind blowing and I like how the audio comes out of my AMP as DTS.

I will be trading the game in this week hopefully God Of War 3 lives up to my expectations as I loved the second one.

if you are wanting a good fps for the ps3 i would recommend ut3 or fear2 both of wich i feal are a hell of a lot better on the ps3 but killzone 2 was good but yes could have been a hell of a lot better if i was to give it a score out of 10 i would have to say 7 but iv gone back to playing ut3 and fear2 as so much better
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