Reviews// Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Posted 16 Sep 2008 17:45 by
Now we cut forward some years to so our wide-eyed child (Galen Marek, remember?) embittered by hatred at the hand of Lord Vader. As a young man he is sent out by his lord and mentor on a secret mission intended to further Vader's nefarious and Machiavellian plans.

Pay attention now, because Galen's first mission is of such a highly secret nature that no-one must know of his existence. If you nip off for a coffee, like I did the first time, during this cut-scene you'll be surprised to find that the rebel alliance and Imperial Storm Troopers both attack you during the level that follows. Being everyone's enemy is strangely liberating though, you don't have to worry about accidentally taking down your own men and you can unleash The Force with gleeful abandon, and that's what makes The Force Unleashed such a gloriously mindless experience.

With a simple press of the 'B' button you can unleash The Force - and it's fun and addictive. You begin to see how, if you could dispense such power so easily it might corrupt you just a tiny little bit.

Milkman late? Cast him into a bottomless pit of lava. Can't get a seat on the train? Crumple it into a spherical wreck and send it hurtling along the tracks like a bowling ball. Oh, yes, power corrupts, but having this kind of 'The Force' would corrupt absolutely. No wonder the Jedi are depicted as saintly in the Star Wars movies, they would have to be not to abuse this sort of power... not to be seduced by the Dark Side.

The game mechanic itself is nothing revolutionary, you work your way through a well constructed level, comprising rooms and corridors, throughout which you meet resistance of varying kinds. You use your weapon - a lightsabre - and your Force powers to fend off this resistance. And here is where Force Unleashed really shines - the resistence attacks intelligently, and in a different manner each time you tackle a level.

Sure, the AI is not up to C3PO standards, but it would put many university undergraduates I've met to shame. This means that you have to consider your tactics upon entering an area of combat or melee situation. You need to identify the enemy with the most potential to damage you and eliminate them first, leaving the more normal foot soldier cannon fodder for you to then take out at your leisure.

Since the dangerous guys with the big guns are often strategically located cowering behind some large crates at the other end of the room, you often need to use your Force powers to pick up some nearby packing crate and cast it at them. You have to do this with some caution, since you can only flex your mental Force muscles so many times before your brain power runs out. Further attempts result in failure and a sensation I like to imagine feels a little like a brain freeze from drinking your slurpee too fast. Galen doesn't have to do anything special to recharge his brain battery, his Force bar recharges automatically within a few seconds. If he needs to dispatch a few enemies in the intervening time, he can rely on his trusty lightsabre.
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schnide 17 Sep 2008 10:55
"Graphics nothing special, but AI is amazing.." that's the opposite of the Eurogamer review, iirc. Interesting. 89%?
DoctorDee 17 Sep 2008 15:57
schnide wrote:
"Graphics nothing special, but AI is amazing.." that's the opposite of the Eurogamer review, iirc. Interesting. 89%?

I don't read other reviews before I write mine. But the graphics are nothing special. Don't misunderstand me. They are nice enough - but the modelling and lighting are not breathtaking. There are some nice effects when you use your your Force powers - that's for sure. But I wasn't sitting there drooling over the graphics at all while I was playing it. There wasn't a single scene where I went, "Wow!"

But I WAS enjoying myself though. And even though the review is done the game is still at my house and it's likely to stay there for a while. It's one of the few games that have made me consider getting an Xbox (and with that nice price drop, that's looking increasingly likely). Though at present, I'm more likely just to keep one of SPOnG's 360s at home or get a PS3 copy of Force Unleashed.

The AI impressed me because it took different approaches to attacking each time I entered a scenario - and it could be tough. It could be dumb at times too, but it IS AI. Computers struggle to beat people at chess - and this game has a far more expansive playfield and more move options than chess will ever have. Play the demo and make up your own mind.

As games like this go, it manages to feel novel despite it not being particularly innovative. It uses a well established genre, and a familiar set of characters to create a very fun and playable end result. I like it, a lot! Hence the 89%.

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schnide 18 Sep 2008 09:29
Well, that's all important. The Euroga.. the other review I imagined I read, because obviously I don't read anything other than SPOnG, sounded like it was trying to pick the game apart. For instance, to defeat the Rancor all you had to do was run back down the path you took to reach it and attack it from there as it wouldn't come past a certain boundary. I guess it depends what kind of experience you're looking for. I'll try and play the demo.
PreciousRoi 9 Oct 2008 12:35
Nice review, sorry I missed it until just now.

Just out of curiosity, what difficulty level were you playing at?

I will express some dissapointment with the "Dark Side" ending, it left me feeling nonplussed, and slightly confused.

It could do with another game mode, like a survival mode or something like that, to extend its playability and give people a reason and opportunity to get some of the technique-based Achievements. (500 Lightsabre Throw Kills, 500 Lightning Shield Kills, etc...)

Other than simply doing the first level over and over again that is...

The Emperor wrote:

I think that pretty much says it all, don't you?
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