Features// Pocket Plays GTA IV Multi-Player

Posted 8 Apr 2008 18:01 by
Games: Grand Theft Auto IV
Burping my way through my first can I got settled – heels off, headset on – and we said hello to the Rockstars who’d be taking us under their wings for the first few games, David and Craig, as their gamertags declare them. We haven’t met them yet, but only Craig has a soft Australian accent. David's accent I find harder to place, but I’m guessing it’s London.

We’re playing on 360s and are shocked to hear later that it is not a LAN set up, but online. The lack of lag’s amazing! Team Deathmatch starting in Algonquin, the Rockstars all take the time to show off their creations, including RPGs, the heightened strategic options like crouched firing and blind firing with manual aim, quick fire out of cover, all culminating in one of the enemy zooming overhead with a helicopter, making us all trail after him, Pied Piper-style, unsuccessfully trying to commandeer it.

And I’m in love. From the moment I hop into a car with David, smash a window with my elbow and hang half-way out firing at the others whilst the usual fantastic selection of tunes burn into our eardrums.

My pre-game warnings that I suck at GTA were met with “Hax!” and “Hustled!” when I get second, then first place for kills – although our minder reminds us that MotherofMoles (who seemed to take the brunt of my killing for some reason) and the rest had pointedly been firing above our heads and seeing how close they could get without killing us. Congratulation blushes out of the way, we all agree that the controls are fine – easy to pick up and to me, coming straight from CoD4, quite natural.

I’ve been given a copy of the button layout, but I haven’t seen anyone look at it yet. I am reminded about the strategy options that the devs have put so much work into. There is also pointed mention that said options also make targeting more accurate. I promise to be a bit less Rambo and a bit more Snake next time.

There were only eight of us online and because it was a Deathmatch we were looking to keep each other in a fairly small zone all the time. In later games, like Team Mafiya and the racing, a much larger section would be played. With up to 16 players capable of getting in one online game the bigger maps will be loads of fun to play in, especially once everyone gets to know them so well they can replicate them in sand on the beach when missing the game too much while on holiday.

The team at Rockstar have obviously put loads of attention into the game world, each area feels condensed and detailed. It didn’t take long before we were using the varying heights by scaling stairs into roof-level car parks or hiding behind bushes and down alleyways to get a vantage point on respawn areas. I certainly, used this to pop foes like I was shooting cans off a fence.

It turns out I have no concept of fair play when it comes to Deathmatch. There were certain features I didn’t find – but the superfans are going to love them! Not to give too many spoilers, I’ll whet your mouths with just one: even hard-to-reach fire escapes (as are popular in New York-based comedy sketches and action films eternally) are reachable by jumping off the roof of a handy car - these platforms give you jism-worthy sniping platforms.

I was told about a few of the extra options that can be used to customise even a simple Deathmatch. These include having the same weapon for everyone (like baseball bats or random weapons being assigned at the start); friendly fire being on/off; or having the police attempting to arrest the filthy deviants who disturb their peaceful bribe negotiations. There is also the option to turn off the enemy blips on the radar, but I’m relieved we didn’t attempt this when I was just getting to know my way about.
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Games: Grand Theft Auto IV

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config 8 Apr 2008 19:12
There Aint Nothing Wrong (With a Little *Insert Paedophile Joke Here*)

These GTA hands-ons are just making me want this game more, as if there were even possible.
PreciousRoi 8 Apr 2008 20:15
Yeah, they're moving me from seeing GTA IV as something I'd have to work to avoid playing (and would probably wait on), to something I'm actually looking forward to...

Of the series, I loved the first two top-down games, and liked Vice City, but was pretty indifferent to III and SA (preferring Scarface and The Godfather, guess I like the period stuff), but this game looks like it is taking the next step...GTA IV just might be a Future Classic or even an Instant Classic.
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deleted 9 Apr 2008 00:08
With the possible exception of Resident evil 5 never have i anticipated a Game release so much,

Now I played GTA and GTA 2 on PC and I never liked them I heard all the hype and Bad press ( or good as it might of been for Rockstar )but really they just didn’t take me in, I overlooked GTA 3 for so very very long until on a game station spree I picked up the GTA double pack for XBOX and put it to one side for a good month or so (like you do) anyhoo after a settling time I tried out GTA 3 and got bored quickly of driving round and destroying digital family life, so tried out vice city when the Flock of Seagulls Stole my breath and drove round for a good hour or so just listening to the Radio, next thing I know I am 20 hours in performing most side missions on motorbikes and piloting helicopters into police cars for wanted stars, so after 3 months or so of 80`s Vice I decided to Play GTA 3 and finished that , then I got SA about a month after release and played the subpar plots and stories along with eating loads to become sick, I did PSP versions boringly though but what I cant understand after all of this, I really liked Vice City but GTA 1, 2, 3 and SA were mildly entertaining so why am I so excited about this one???
Krumbz 10 Apr 2008 04:16

Great read! A little envious here but I'll get over it... in a few months... AFTER April 29th.

Anyways great article - funny, witty and fresh like lemony scented laundry.

Plus on top of all that - you're cute!


Good stuff! I think I love Spong.com now.
Krumbz 10 Apr 2008 04:17
Great read! A little envious here but I'll get over it... in a few months... AFTER April 29th.

Anyways great article - funny, witty and fresh like lemony scented laundry.

Plus on top of all that - you're cute!


Good stuff! I think I love Spong.com now.
charlie brown 10 Apr 2008 10:03
i'd totally have sex with you
bill cosby 11 Apr 2008 09:34
let's have sex
Penitent 11 Apr 2008 14:33
Pocket... punching some skanky b*tch who was being an arse to your friend, and almost causing a riot on a night out, does not make you a "deeply un-violent person"


But it does make a fitting anecdote for this review. Oh, and when she mentions that her driving is suited to GTA, that's the truth, Amen to that sister. She's the only person I know that can get fully changed from one outfit to another, whilst driving at obscene speed down the motorway. "Here, just grab the wheel a sec"

Great write up btw. You're making me want to have a look at this, when no other GTA game has piqued my interest.
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