Previews// Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Posted 9 Nov 2007 18:10 by
Okay, so the demo only included the briefest of opportunities for button-mashing, hand-to-hand action… so maybe I’m over-stating the case right now. However, I’ll balance that with the fact that in order to use the grenades you’ve got to use the motion control in the Sixaxis. Well, for an old dog like me, that took some getting used to. But I still enjoyed my oh-too-brief time with Nathan, his chums and his English-accented enemy…

Yes, despite the fact that we Poms (or Brits, or Limeys, whatever you like) are some of the few nationalities in the world who still support that glorious Untied State in whatever it does, we are still being cast as bad guys. I say, that’s simply rotten and hard cheese on us! But what can you do?

Don’t worry too much fellow Englishmen (and chicks) the majority of the baddies are Hispanic looking, just to balance things out.

“So, the graphics, you doddery old twat?” you ask, “What of the sound?”

Alright, well, given that this is a demo played on a debug, I’m going to take it easy. There is - even on our ultra-hard HD telly – some graphical glitching (then again, you can still stick your gun through a wall in Warhawk… and that’s ancient). My hope is that, because over-all backgrounds, characters, impacts and enemies are all marvellously rendered, the minor demo niggles will be sorted out.

Audio – look, by this stage in video game development, if the audio isn’t top notch, crystal clear and bassy as a room full of Fender Jazzmasters, you’ve probably got a dodgy set of speakers. The voice-acting is brilliantly timed (synching is a little off in places) with a decent script. Explosions explode, music rises and falls at appropriate moments – all is good in the aural world.

Now to the A.I.- yes, as this is a single-player game (or ‘experience’ if you want to use marketing bullshit) the Artificial Intelligence of both friend and foe is crucial. To me it’s more important than all the graphical, audial, plotial and scriptial shenanigans in the world. One sure-fire way to have your game-life blown into a puff of pixels is for hyper-stupid or uber-clever NPCs to bugger it up.

Now… there is one character in UDF who – at least in the demo I played – made me fall of my chair in a fit of giggles thus ruining the experience: bloody Sully. There are a few points where the old dear needs some brain tweaking as he begins to walk in a circle, speeds up, and can’t stop himself – even walking straight into walls; well not straight, more parabolic. All of this happened in my peripheral vision until a colleague pointed it out as well. But frankly, it got to a point where Sully was doing my head in and I wished death upon him… cold, harsh, quick death.

Come on Naughty Dog, sort it out. Sort it out because the rest of the interactions with friend and foe are fabulously fun. Enemies ‘enem’ in different and interesting ways depending on where and when you are in a level – my gods, when you shoot the buggers they even react ‘correctly’. And, as I always hope, the further in I forayed, the brighter and more devious they all got.

Your pals, to be honest, they’re more training wheels, at least in the demo. Sully will circle walk but suggest, “Maybe you should shoot the obvious thing with the shooty thing” if you get stumped (not in those words), while Ms Fisher will do her best to take pot shots where required.

As demos go – this one went – it ended too quickly for my liking as I was immersed in the action, having got to grips with the grenades - finally. The puzzles are not – at this point – puzzley enough to test anybody much above the age of four. The jumping can, for the most part, be done with one-hand (seriously). But the overall feel of UDF is of a game that has come together and that will bear deeper and more concerted play.
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Ed Itter 9 Nov 2007 21:55
there has quite clearly been a cut and paste disaster of some considerable magnitude on page three of this otherwise enformative and intertwining preview. eral vision onwards.
TimSpong 9 Nov 2007 23:08
Ed Itter wrote:
there has quite clearly been a cut and paste disaster of some considerable magnitude on page three of this otherwise enformative and intertwining preview. eral vision onwards.

Thanks for pointing that out... it's been dealt with.



more comments below our sponsor's message
pUDGE 10 Nov 2007 04:24
k.. I DONT KNOW what version u played.. I played the north american demo.. like an hour ago.. and well.. ITS awsome.. I kept stoping and looking at stuff. graphics are great.. my only complaint is u cant duck.. u can duck behind things and against things.. just not when your running. THE GAME ROCKS>. Manu uare picky.. go buy an xbox
actionmonkey 12 Nov 2007 10:09
Who ever wrote this preview should have spent more time learning basic grammer and spelling than trying to sound like a 'geezer' down the pub. It sounds like it was written by somebody who didn't give a toss and as a result I don't trust it.

EH 12 Nov 2007 11:18
This "preview" is a garbled nonsense - I'd guess that some alcohol was involved in its creation.
TimSpong 12 Nov 2007 11:27
pUDGE wrote:
k.. I DONT KNOW what version u played.. I played the north american demo.. like an hour ago.. and well.. ITS awsome.. I kept stoping and looking at stuff. graphics are great.. my only complaint is u cant duck.. u can duck behind things and against things.. just not when your running. THE GAME ROCKS>. Manu uare picky.. go buy an xbox

I played the version that Sony sent me to play.

At no point did I say that it wasn't good. However, as I've not played the full game yet I am not going to say that "It rocks" or "It is awesome" or any other hyperbolic nonsense. A great deal can happen between preview and release.

It would be very much like basing a film/movie review on the "Coming Soon Trailers", but if that's your thing...

Yes, I am picky... and I've got enough Xboxes to play with, thanks.

Good point re the ducking...


TimSpong 12 Nov 2007 11:48
actionmonkey wrote:
Who ever wrote this preview should have spent more time learning basic grammer and spelling than trying to sound like a 'geezer' down the pub. It sounds like it was written by somebody who didn't give a toss and as a result I don't trust it.

I wrote it. I do give a toss.

Mate, if you're going to use a phrase like "I don't trust" regarding my previews AND if you're going to make derogatory comments about spelling and grammar...

...then at least spell 'grammar' correctly.

Also, it doesn't "sound like", it "reads like" - unless you are reading the words out loud to yourself, in which case you would be making the sounds using your own intonations and I can't be blamed for those.

English, it's a strange mistress and a right bitch.



TimSpong 12 Nov 2007 11:51
EH wrote:
This "preview" is a garbled nonsense - I'd guess that some alcohol was involved in its creation.


You would guess wrong. I only start drinking heavily after I've read the Forum each day.

I will have a large Jamesons over ice please.

By the way, an idea of why you think it is garbled nonsense would at least be constructive.

hollywooda 20 Nov 2007 12:43
when i can afford a PS3?..... i quite like the look of this one.
arthur_storey 13 Feb 2008 09:32
i was going to investigate this game further but after reading this mess of a review i don't think i'll bother and i will wait for the next tomb raider game. i am a long time reader and an infrequent poster but i have to say that since late last year your sites been a bit of a mess and most of it is because of ho hum boring industry news and reviews like this one. Why not tell us about exciting games that are coming out sooN? No more boring statistics and no more badly written reviews please.
Prue Frida 13 Feb 2008 17:14

This is unreadable garbage. How can you possibly convey the flavour of this game with a crappy review like this? Lucky for we interested customers that there are reveiws elsewhere that offer a better oversight of the game and don't try to spunk out some Loaded magazine style rubbish that says more about the writers probably altered state of mind than the game
plsreadme 14 Feb 2008 01:12
It's not review - it's a preview. duh
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