Reviews// The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - The Full Review (Wii)

Enjoyable as the swatable fairy

Posted 7 Dec 2006 20:00 by
Dig does exactly what one would assume Dig would do, however, when combined with your heightened senses it is an invaluable tool. When your senses are activated the world around you goes dark and only a small circle of vision, about 10 meters in diameter, remains. It’s what’s in the circle that matters, as you are now able to see where items are buried, where potential tunnels could be uncovered and, most interestingly, you can see the limbo-trapped spirits of the people of Hyrule. Only when you can see them properly, as opposed to just being the little flickering floating flames they usually are, can you listen to their conversations and gain necessary clues for solving your next task.

Besides his own abilities Link can actually call on his companion, Midna, to aid him in his journeys. Want to hang from a chain that may or may not be a lever, but don’t feel like hurting your canines? Bam! Midna comes to the rescue. Think you might be able to make a treacherously long jump but need a spunky little (kind of irritating at times) encouragement? Midna is all over that as well. When in wolf mode she automatically occupies the [Up] space on the d-pad in case you should need her. When you’re in a place where she can offer you physical assistance she’ll giggle from inside your Wii Remote to alert you.

I was initially put off by the character but over time I actually grew quite fond of her. While her voice may be about as enjoyable as the swatable fairy that preceded her, she has much more in common with your trusty kingly cruise ship from Wind Waker.

Pro tip: to lower her volume, which I cannot recommend enough, press the home button on the controller once and then point at the battery bar for your controller and hit the [A] button - there is your volume control.

The dungeons are of course the real meat of the game play and Zelda fans will not be disappointed with their size or the cleverness of their design. Varying in size and form they all offer very unique experiences and each has some truly fantastic "wow moments" within. The best part about them is that as you play through, previously useful items are not forgotten.

Every one of your skills and items will be needed to progress through the game and there are a lot of them. In fact, I was less than halfway through the game when I began to run into some seriously head scratch-inspiring moments. Usually the answer lay in an older, lesser-used skill or item that I just hadn't thought about. The amount of alternate uses the designers’ managed to come up with for Link’s abilities is continually impressive.

As mentioned before, besides having nine enormous dungeons to traverse, you now have exponentially greater numbers of things you need to do in between each one. Yes, similar setups have existed in most of the Zelda games but never to this extent or effect. Most between-dungeon segments involve some new kind of game play that you’ve not seen before. Without ruining any surprises I'll just say that the long sailing segments in Wind Waker can't begin to compare to some of the shit that will be thrown at you!

Most impressive of all this is the polish that the occasional alternate play styles have received. In a lesser game these sorts of moments would invariably feel tacked on and only help to ruin the experience. In TP, however they are all a joy to play and will leave you begging for more or at the very least, have you gasping in relief as you slip through by the skin of your teeth and pray you never have to do that again. You'll see.
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billson 8 Dec 2006 00:41
well have to post out reactions to the game ourselves here, but no spoilers, GOD HELP YOU if is see spoiler, like the one where u are actually playing as princess zelda not link, woops.......only messin!
RiseFromYourGrave 8 Dec 2006 06:31
i think that the lack of speech also leaves more to the imagination. after so many many years of them speaking in my head, i dont think i could bear to hear my gaming heroes seemingly possessed by some american cheeseball
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billson 8 Dec 2006 18:17
gd point,and also, anyone whos played oblivion will know that after 20 hours of the same 5 voice actors, you get a little antsy...
phoo 13 Dec 2006 01:46
You actually can have more than three save slots.

Save whatever you want in the three slots, and you can back up the whole zelda save file (or any other game save file) to an SD card in the Wii data management menu. Put that data on a PC and you essentially have infinite backup save space. Continue playing on the save file that remains on the Wii and just copy the back-up file to the Wii anytime to relive all you best catalogued moments.

Have fun!
billson 13 Dec 2006 02:49
cool, thatll save sum space on the system memory as well, cheers. I actually think this IS the best zelda game ever made, not the best game ever tho, that will in my opinion always be Deus Ex or Ocarina of Time.
majin dboy 13 Dec 2006 09:38
nice idea phoo.

everyone,was like,"omg,no voice acting" people like PJ,every group of friends has one PJ in them.

and even ign,bashed it for feeling clostraphobic,but billson raises a good point,for epic games there is to much repatition,which can lead to it feeling false or even dare i say "produced",if u know what i mean.

wen i play zelda,i dont think,oh god i hav2 read for cut scene x or conversation y,u r just lost in the world, and therefore dosnt matter that ther is no voice acting.
RiseFromYourGrave 13 Dec 2006 12:11
i imagine the people who complain about the text speech in Zelda are the same imbeciles that complain about subtitles in those foreign films theyre so miffed by
LUPOS 13 Dec 2006 14:37
phoo wrote:
You actually can have more than three save slots.

Good on you for thinking that out. I never even tried it but in truth the one downer to that would be quiting out of the game evertime you saved in order to manage the memory.

I don't think i'll be going through and saving all my saves from now on since it's kind of a pain but it's good to know it's possible.

Besides, someone will probably just put all the cutscnes compiled on youtube anyway... if they aren't already there.
billson 18 Dec 2006 03:29
Zelda-30 hours in (No Spoilers)- Zant=W****r, Midna-loyal companion and more of a friend that Navi ever was!, Link-Legend as always. Who here would dare to commit sacrilege and rename link in their own name?
RiseFromYourGrave 18 Dec 2006 03:49
billson wrote:
Who here would dare to commit sacrilege and rename link in their own name?

haha i thought the same when i restarted ALTTP today. i always give it some thought at the name input screen but i can never bring myself to call him anything but link. it seems like a lie :D. it pretty much is one, come to think of it
majin dboy 18 Dec 2006 13:57
yeah,i really should have called him link,but i dont regret calling the hero dboy,the wii is all about immersion after all.
billson 20 Dec 2006 03:29
yeh, but Link is LINK, not dboy, the hero of time is epic not a fanboy!!!
OptimusP 20 Dec 2006 07:58
I named him's always fun to do...and i'm stuck! I can't get the last tear of light in the Zora's in the passage way that leads from the Zora domain straight to hyrule field and both entrances are sealed with rocks...i can't blow those things as a wolf!
majin dboy 20 Dec 2006 09:08
i dont think u have to blow them up,no u just not bash into the wall and it falls off?maybe im thinkin of the wrong tear.

the last insect is "difficult"
LUPOS 20 Dec 2006 14:20
OptimusP wrote:
I named him's always fun to do...and i'm stuck! I can't get the last tear of light in the Zora's in the passage way that leads from the Zora domain straight to hyrule field and both entrances are sealed with rocks...i can't blow those things as a wolf!

The last tear should be in lake hylia not the zora domain. It's been a little bit since i played that section, have you already unthawed the zoras? If not thats probably your actual next step. I can tell you how to do that if you need.

Ditto 20 Dec 2006 15:15
Prehaps you guys could use spoiler tags?
LUPOS 20 Dec 2006 16:08
Adam M wrote:
Prehaps you guys could use spoiler tags?

Can we? Config?
majin dboy 20 Dec 2006 16:22
what about just doing SPOILERS**************************** ,no?
TimSpong 20 Dec 2006 17:04
Adam M wrote:
Prehaps you guys could use spoiler tags?

I'd much prefer for people just to have more respect for their fellow (or fellowette) gamers... erm... man. But, hell, I much prefer cars with indicators (all German cars have 'confirmators' at best)... and drivers who use them, so what do I know?

Sure, we'll see what we can do about Spoiler tags in the pre-Xmas madness...

cheers all

OptimusP 20 Dec 2006 19:40
no need, i allready figured it out, now on my way to go into the deep-watery temple!
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