Reviews// The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - The Full Review (Wii)

Like you were Tanoki Mario on crank

Posted 7 Dec 2006 20:00 by
Pro Tip: after finishing a combo string, immediately hit the [A] button to put your sword away. If you time it right Link does the fancy sword twirl scene at the end of the E3 trailer. You’ll feel like a total bad ass!.

The [Z] button on the Nunchuck handles your lock-on allowing Link to easily circle around attackers during combat. The [B] button, (a.k.a. the trigger on the Remote) handles all your other weapons/items, which are selected with the d-pad. The [C] button switches to a locked feet first-person mode that allows you to survey your surroundings. Everything else is pretty much inventory and maps and such.

Now, before raving about the joys of pointer-based aiming, a bit of bad news: the controls are not perfect. For most things they work satisfactorily, but there were various occasions where I was forced to backtrack through ten minutes worth of dungeon in order to retry climbing a ladder because I was unable to walk straight up to it and instead jumped off a ledge.

This seems actually to be even more of a problem now than it was in previous 3D Zelda outings because you no longer have complete camera control to assist your aim. The lack of a second analog stick means that the only way to manipulate the camera is via a quick tap of the [Z]button to centre it behind you. This is most assuredly not a deal breaker but it did happen often enough that I became frustrated with it.

Now, for the good news; when in intense combat situations (as opposed to non-intense ladder-climbing ones) such as high speed horseback riding while fending off a horde of attackers, aerial assaults, or trying to defend a caravan, targeting with the Wii remote is a godsend. I've not got around to trying it out on a Game Cube yet, but after playing all the previous Zelda games, I can imagine these sequences to be significantly less "fun" with analog stick aiming.

Using the Remote's motion-sensing for sword/teeth control doesn’t actually improve the gameplay as far as responsiveness goes but it does do a lot to help pull you into the role. Though, to be fair, shaking a stick doesn’t exactly make sense if you want to make a dog (or, indeed wolf) bite. The upside, however, is that you can still press [A] to attack if that’s what you fancy.

Other special attacks, like the now legendary Spin Attack, are handled with a variety of buttons and motion controls. The Spin Attack itself is executed by quickly shaking the Nunchuck from side to side. Unlike most previous Zelda games, where the attack button had to be held in order to "charge up" and "release", it is now readily available. Now it’s just shake’n’attack (well, Spin Attack).

There are few seconds of recharge time after each spin to prevent you from going through the whole game like you were Tanoki Mario on crank. Interestingly enough the Spin Attack carries over into your wolf form and has the exact same effect. When living Teen Wolf style however, most of your other abilities are lost or replaced. Any of those fancy toys you picked up deep in dungeons are rendered useless.

Thankfully such novel powers as "Dig" and "Sense" easily make up for not being able to use your claw-shot. All kidding aside these abilities do offer many new puzzle opportunities and help to keep the game play fresh throughout.
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billson 8 Dec 2006 00:41
well have to post out reactions to the game ourselves here, but no spoilers, GOD HELP YOU if is see spoiler, like the one where u are actually playing as princess zelda not link, woops.......only messin!
RiseFromYourGrave 8 Dec 2006 06:31
i think that the lack of speech also leaves more to the imagination. after so many many years of them speaking in my head, i dont think i could bear to hear my gaming heroes seemingly possessed by some american cheeseball
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billson 8 Dec 2006 18:17
gd point,and also, anyone whos played oblivion will know that after 20 hours of the same 5 voice actors, you get a little antsy...
phoo 13 Dec 2006 01:46
You actually can have more than three save slots.

Save whatever you want in the three slots, and you can back up the whole zelda save file (or any other game save file) to an SD card in the Wii data management menu. Put that data on a PC and you essentially have infinite backup save space. Continue playing on the save file that remains on the Wii and just copy the back-up file to the Wii anytime to relive all you best catalogued moments.

Have fun!
billson 13 Dec 2006 02:49
cool, thatll save sum space on the system memory as well, cheers. I actually think this IS the best zelda game ever made, not the best game ever tho, that will in my opinion always be Deus Ex or Ocarina of Time.
majin dboy 13 Dec 2006 09:38
nice idea phoo.

everyone,was like,"omg,no voice acting" people like PJ,every group of friends has one PJ in them.

and even ign,bashed it for feeling clostraphobic,but billson raises a good point,for epic games there is to much repatition,which can lead to it feeling false or even dare i say "produced",if u know what i mean.

wen i play zelda,i dont think,oh god i hav2 read for cut scene x or conversation y,u r just lost in the world, and therefore dosnt matter that ther is no voice acting.
RiseFromYourGrave 13 Dec 2006 12:11
i imagine the people who complain about the text speech in Zelda are the same imbeciles that complain about subtitles in those foreign films theyre so miffed by
LUPOS 13 Dec 2006 14:37
phoo wrote:
You actually can have more than three save slots.

Good on you for thinking that out. I never even tried it but in truth the one downer to that would be quiting out of the game evertime you saved in order to manage the memory.

I don't think i'll be going through and saving all my saves from now on since it's kind of a pain but it's good to know it's possible.

Besides, someone will probably just put all the cutscnes compiled on youtube anyway... if they aren't already there.
billson 18 Dec 2006 03:29
Zelda-30 hours in (No Spoilers)- Zant=W****r, Midna-loyal companion and more of a friend that Navi ever was!, Link-Legend as always. Who here would dare to commit sacrilege and rename link in their own name?
RiseFromYourGrave 18 Dec 2006 03:49
billson wrote:
Who here would dare to commit sacrilege and rename link in their own name?

haha i thought the same when i restarted ALTTP today. i always give it some thought at the name input screen but i can never bring myself to call him anything but link. it seems like a lie :D. it pretty much is one, come to think of it
majin dboy 18 Dec 2006 13:57
yeah,i really should have called him link,but i dont regret calling the hero dboy,the wii is all about immersion after all.
billson 20 Dec 2006 03:29
yeh, but Link is LINK, not dboy, the hero of time is epic not a fanboy!!!
OptimusP 20 Dec 2006 07:58
I named him's always fun to do...and i'm stuck! I can't get the last tear of light in the Zora's in the passage way that leads from the Zora domain straight to hyrule field and both entrances are sealed with rocks...i can't blow those things as a wolf!
majin dboy 20 Dec 2006 09:08
i dont think u have to blow them up,no u just not bash into the wall and it falls off?maybe im thinkin of the wrong tear.

the last insect is "difficult"
LUPOS 20 Dec 2006 14:20
OptimusP wrote:
I named him's always fun to do...and i'm stuck! I can't get the last tear of light in the Zora's in the passage way that leads from the Zora domain straight to hyrule field and both entrances are sealed with rocks...i can't blow those things as a wolf!

The last tear should be in lake hylia not the zora domain. It's been a little bit since i played that section, have you already unthawed the zoras? If not thats probably your actual next step. I can tell you how to do that if you need.

Ditto 20 Dec 2006 15:15
Prehaps you guys could use spoiler tags?
LUPOS 20 Dec 2006 16:08
Adam M wrote:
Prehaps you guys could use spoiler tags?

Can we? Config?
majin dboy 20 Dec 2006 16:22
what about just doing SPOILERS**************************** ,no?
TimSpong 20 Dec 2006 17:04
Adam M wrote:
Prehaps you guys could use spoiler tags?

I'd much prefer for people just to have more respect for their fellow (or fellowette) gamers... erm... man. But, hell, I much prefer cars with indicators (all German cars have 'confirmators' at best)... and drivers who use them, so what do I know?

Sure, we'll see what we can do about Spoiler tags in the pre-Xmas madness...

cheers all

OptimusP 20 Dec 2006 19:40
no need, i allready figured it out, now on my way to go into the deep-watery temple!
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