Reviews// Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

Net darkside shift + 1

Posted 4 Jan 2005 15:52 by
There’s no denying that this all makes for a very good game, but it does need more to make it as worthy as its predecessor. The level of detail, optional side-quest and mini-games could have so easily been enhanced to mark this as something better. Instead many of the worlds seem sparse (especially when compared to something like GTA:SA, or even Fable). Some of the side-quest lead to anti-climactic dead-ends and the mini-games are the same as before. Gambling with the Pazaak deck and swoop racing is no less fun than it was last time around, but it's no more fun either, and something new would have been so much better. And with the worrying unchecked status of the Downloadable Content feature, it seems there won’t ever be any such additions. Nor will there be any more planets, or enemies, or light-sabres. That’s another displeasing back-step.

All these criticisms seem so obvious that one wonders why Obsidian didn’t address them previously. Ultimately, it seems to have come down to the almighty buck. This had been squeezed out just in time for a Christmas release in the US, and the tightness of the scheduling shows. Quite apart from issues with frame rate and absolutely hideous load times, there are those dead-end plot leads that make no sense and an occasional feel of crudeness that sullies KOTOR’s good name. None of the problems are cripplingly serious, but it does look as if a few more months could have allowed this to mature into something a little tastier. With the PAL version expected early February, it seems unlikely that these issues will be addressed in time for any changes. Oh well.

SPOnG Rating: B

Sith Lords is more of an expansion pack than it is a sequel. It would be difficult to say this was any better than its predecessor, to which newcomers should definitely look, not just because of the interlinking story, but because it was a neater game. Existing fans will love Sith Lords, exactly because it is more of the same, but it might be wise to await the PC version in the hope of a slicker technical performance. Despite all that, great stuff for RPG and Star Wars fans alike.
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Althea90 27 Jan 2005 16:15
To the Game Reviewers at SPONG:

After reading your review of KOTOR: TSL, I would like to share some comments with you. Since I have 65 hours of playing time under my belt (and I'm still not finished with the game) I believe my comments carry a good weight of relevance. I believe your review to be unbiased, and I thank you for taking the time to write an honest account of your impressions. However, there are a few things that I think you could reflect upon, especially the RPG aspects of the game.
You stated that The Sith Lords really doesn't add too much more to the original KOTOR. In fact, the "phrase more of the same" pops up in more than one review. You mention that the pazaak and swoop racing as examples of where the game has not been enhanced, but you did not elaborate on the whole system of breaking down, creating and upgrading items. This is a big enhancement over the original, and it potentially adds hours to the gameplay. I think this feature would really appeal to fans of RPGs, and makes The Sith Lords an improvement over the first KOTOR.
You also commented that the combat system, although based on 20 sided dice rules, may be too hybrid for hardcore RPGers. I have to disagree with you on this point. The combat may make KOTOR: TSL look like an action game, but underneath there is an enormous process going on based on stats and percentages and dice rolls. There is so much going on that I think only the hardest of hardcore RPG fans can actually go into battle and know precisely what to expect based on what their characters strengths are, what weapons they are using, what armor and powers they possess and what manner of attack they use. Then you can apply the exact same conditions to the side of the enemy. This is the beauty of this system, and perhaps why it has fooled you. It allows easy access to the process of combat while allowing, if you wish, to completely analyze the situation before, while and after it happens. The fact that they've made the combat more intricate with forms and new powers is again an improvement over the first KOTOR.
I guess that the story affects people in different ways, based on what you like. There is a lot of dialogue, but the richness and mystery of the story cannot be denied. The other party members also play a much more important part in the story this time around. So again I see this as an improvement.
I guess the point I really want to make is that, yes, KOTOR: The Sith Lords is basically the same as the first game, but a better one because of these well thought out improvements. I just want the public to see this side of the game, because there are fewer and fewer gamers out there who appreciate the thoughtful approach that games like KOTOR: The Sith Lords and other real RPGs have to offer. I'm 65 hours into the game, and I'm told I rush through my games. However, I think that you may have rushed even more than me, and missed what really makes this game shine and stand out over most of the games out there. Basically, its a great game and has something for everyone, a rare feat indeed.


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