HD Kills Final Fantasy VII PS3 Remake

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Topic started: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 13:07
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Tue, 1 Jun 2010 23:26
I want a remake not only for myself but also for my lil brothers who come over and see me playing my recently downloaded ff7 from ps3 network can play as they refuse to play a game that looks like the original ff7 and I think they and many others in HD gen could enjoy and appreciate how amazing and ground breaking the game was. However I also tell them (bros) that ff7 was one of the first if not the first game with a multi million dollar development price tag as well as taking years to make as it was the first 3D ff game. Its just the characters, story and magic system are just to amazing... i really don't mind playing the ps1 version the game is my fav ever I just want the youngins to appreciate their ancestors. I will however still cling to hope.
Mon, 7 Jun 2010 05:48
yeah i would love to see the game remade for my son

he sees me playing the original and thinks i am crazy for playing such an outdated game but then he actually loves advent children style and look and knows each character
but with what the original content was the amount of graphics work on just midgar would take a while not counting the the many other towns areas that they would have to add for story line to match the original and the old style turn based system would loose a lot of newer gamers but if it wasnt the turned based system the game itself would never be the same
Sat, 3 Jul 2010 12:39
Make it on the wii or the X360, both consoles are easier to code for, even better make an enhanced version for PSP with a bit more content, upgraded visuals and sound track, If you can make crisis core then im sure an FF7 rework for psp is perfectly feasable
Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:09
@realvictory no way bro.... squre enix will eventually make it.... jus relax
Sun, 25 Jul 2010 22:01
They're doing the game. If you are not doing it because they are fools.
Thu, 19 Aug 2010 16:25
how about this...make this s**t in sequel..ff7a,ff7b,ff7c and so on..think about marketing strategy, the storyline, system and characters are already there..ff7 is not a game, it is more on 'passion vs madness'..think about it..
Thu, 30 Sep 2010 04:29
I'm sure they will remake the game. The only downside...it won't be made for a long time. It's going to be a loooong wait.
Sat, 6 Nov 2010 01:40
they already made a mint off ff7 on ps1 why not use some of that money and remake it and then they will get triple the profit cos everyone will go out n buy it i truely believe they are stupid if they don't re make it
Mon, 20 Dec 2010 15:31
I personally would be more than happy to have a down looking, higher graphics version of the original - true to the old game, but with enhanced graphics and THATS IT... Using the "top-down" method, there are no massively complex 3D worlds for them to make, its just a graphical upgrade that is well within the abilities of the average game designer... A bit of play on the camera would be great (and relatively easy to achieve), but for the most part the whole game could be remade using the same techniques used to create the original - just replace the blocky characters, and revamp the 2D images that make up the game world. Allow LIMITED player controlled movement in the battle screen (so people cant run away from an enemy attack), and keep the battle and materia systems as they are... Obviously, the break in the "keep it the same" rule has to be the FMVs and the summons - FMVs should be made to at least the quality of the tech demo, and summons should be improved to the same amount as the characters in the battle screen...

Almost everything Ive suggested is easily achievable, and (for me personally) would be more than enough to say "this is a great game" all over again - just like i can do with the original...

On a side note, having everything to the degree of detail used in 13 is impractical because of time and money constraints - im sure at one point i read somewhere that it would take 14 years to make, and thats after they start (when the team is back together)... My suggestion would take far less time and money, and is easilly achievable before the original games 20th anniversary in 2018... It may not be enough to satisfy the fans of advanced graphics, but it should more than please the fans of the game - lets face it: if you put the graphics before the game, they youre not a fan of the game, are you? I hate it when I hear/read someone saying "I love this game, the graphics are amazing!!!" -.-

But dont take all this the wrong way - I would be ecstatic if they did make a full HD (or dare I say - 3D) version, I just dont think its going to happen...
Mon, 10 Jan 2011 17:57
FF7 was the most epic story ever. many gaming magazines consider it to be the best game of all time. Now about square enix, they are not doing so high right now, their sells have gone down, and money is a bit tight right now for them, so u got to understand that there is simply not enough money in the bu jet to make a FF7 remake. thrust me im a huge FF7 fan, greatest game i ever play. but we got to stop asking 4 childish things. I truly believe a remake will happened, just not now because there is simply not enough money k. trust me as soon as they have enough money and the necessary time they will jump on it like a free buffet. FF7 ween it comes out probably for the ps4 :) will be the greatest game ever. the November of fans that play the original back in the 19th is just 2 big, and new fans are just discovering the amazing saga thanks to manga, and anima. We will have our dream people, just give it time.
Thu, 24 Feb 2011 21:28

you the one is stupid!!... you have no respect for square enix at all
Sun, 20 Mar 2011 05:28
Hey just to let you drool a little more here ***n00b weblink removed***
Sat, 16 Apr 2011 00:33
I originally bought FF7 on the PSN store because of the fact that cloud looked so damn cool in Kingdom Hearts. I played it, it was awesome and I immediately wanted a remake, but that desire will be the death of me. I will probly go to every E3 every year, and I won't stop until I hear an orchestrated version of one winged angel accompanying a teaser for Final Fantasy 7. and when I don't hear it year after year, I will cry. and I will cry the year they do. for THOSE tears will be tears of JOY!
Wed, 27 Apr 2011 18:18
I agree 100% if they can create final fantasy versus 13 which takes place in a simmlar landscape as Midgar and many of the other places viewed in final fantasy 7! plus they have already created Midgar once in Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children!@Kian
Sun, 5 Jun 2011 23:07
The year is 2011. There is no reason that Enix cant redo FF7. As a developer, i can say that their excuses are poorly supported. They claim its too hard. But what they mean is, theyd have to invest more money than it takes to throwing a couple hundred grand at some scab developers to shell out a linear waste of a game. In this day and age, its ALL about money and NOTHING to do with quality of games.. Ive worked for video game publishers - they are only interested in BARELY passing the standards as cheaply as possible and fast... Hey Enix, wanna know why youre losing money each year? For not listening to your ex-fans.

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