E3: 80GB PS3 Coming to Europe

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Topic started: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 10:32
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Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 17 Jul 2008 21:19
Rutabaga wrote:
Fair point, no one could make up someone to sound as daft has he/she/it does.

I'd love to think I could, but I'm ashamed to say, I don't think it's true!
Still, he's a character, ain't he! And the world would be boring without characters.

What about the Octopi? I hear they can be right nasty bast**ds

Tim has befriended the octupuses. He has them wrapped around his little finger, and indeed his whole fore-arm. It's disgusting. At first I thought he was just luring them to make them into Calamari, of which he is fond. THAT's disgusing too. But when I suggested that he derided me for not being able to tell an octopus (eight legs) from a squid (10 apparently!).

But the whole sub-aqua theme does make us feel a little bit as if we're playing Bioshock all the time. Which is nice.

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