Nintendogs: The Biggest Game on the Planet Right Now

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Topic started: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 12:25
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Joined 15 Apr 2004
Fri, 29 Apr 2005 21:26
I am looking forward for Electroplankton ( I dont know why this game didnt sell as well) and for the Puzzle games for memory improvemnt, and for the chess online games.
They really expand the user base, smart move from Nintendo.
Joined 31 Dec 2004
Sun, 1 May 2005 10:29
sony could never come up with something like this because they ain't no nintendo when it comes to making something new.

Sony will never come up with anything like the analogue stick, gamepad, gameboy, pokemon, zelda, mario, pikmin, and now nintendogs ever

Nintendo have always been coming up with great ideas in both hardware and software since gaming first began
Joined 1 Sep 2004
Sun, 1 May 2005 14:45
The nintendogs concept does seem like a cool idea, alough it seems similar to that "dogz" game on pc.

On another note there seems to be a few anti-psp views and i can sympathise, i too (admitedly a sony fanboy) am dissapointed with sony i mean i should be playing my psp right now but am i no because sony have delayed the european launch, so now i have to pay an extra £30-40 to have it imported through ebay.

For shame Sony :(

OptimusP wrote:
This is great for Big N though...they can go to thrid parties and say "so we got the gamers and non-gamers...what's the PSP got...the "i use my PSP on the toilet to watch my hentai" audience...*

Do note, i'm talking in a very Japanse kind of angle here.

I personally think the DS looks cheap when compared to sonys' PSP and is there such thing as a "watching hentai whilst on the john" audience? (at least the psp would give gamers the chance to watch hentai and what not if they desire - whilst the ds has no such option) however i shall be using my psp for gaming.

Joined 13 Apr 2005
Sun, 1 May 2005 15:52
Well the PSP created it. I'm actually just saying: DS-games actually sell...PSP-games not sell that good. Third parties will start to notice that. Won't be too long (if this phenomenon keeps up) or third parties will be cancelling PSP-games.
Offcourse, this is from a Japan-view talking. The US is a different matter, the gameratio is actually above a 100% there (so why are japanese folk buying PSP's and not the games, simple, toilet+hentai :p )

Like a I have read on another forum "on what handheld would you make a game on, the one with the biggest marketshare and that's a 100% game-machine and marketed that way or the one lagging behind and thats a jack of all trades and where the mother company doesn't get her head straight how to market it"

Maybe a bit cynical, and if so, pls forgive me but...with the PSP sony-fans could at last feel the pain of having third parties passing by your beloved console for the most stupidiest of reasons.
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