Capcom May Cry: DmC Sales Projections Reduced by 800k

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Topic started: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 18:41
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Tue, 5 Feb 2013 18:41
9/10? I seriously don't see how anyone could give this game a rating above 7. Unless of course they were bought out by Capcom/NT.
Fri, 8 Feb 2013 09:54
I think it deserves a 7 if anything else. But then again, most game articles are kissing ass anyway and saying that people give high ratings because they were sold out make you look stupid. How can you be so sure they were paid? Because you might as well tell that to all the fans of DmC that give it a 9 or ten rating too. The games that deserve high ratings are the ones that get low ratings. Well.
I never was excited about DmC or the other Devil May Cry games but I can guarantee they won't be making anymore DMC games because people genuinely didn't like the game for their own reasons.
Chinese player
Wed, 27 Feb 2013 09:53
You gave DmC a 9/10 because you are a jerk, but the market is not. They are much more cleverer than you. If DMC4 is 10/10, I give DmC 7/10, which is a failure.
1. Though there is great hateness between Chinese ann Japanese, I have to say those Japanese have a deeper understanding of "beauty", which could be a result of cultural difference. Look at those demons in DMC4, elegant, delicate - which makes their cruelness more brutal. BUT in DmC, those demons & bosses are just like copying those in a low-cost zombie movie. The new DmC reminds me of the London Olympic Opening - totally hystria.
2. Dante is not the old one. No need to discuss this anymore, too much criticism already.
3. The graphics, does not have improved much from DMC4 in 2008.
4. The story is so ridiculous. Can't find any reason why Dante must kill Vergil.
5. The camera sucks without lock-on.

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