EyeToy Set for Major PlayStation 3 Role

Official mention confirms escalating gossip

Posted by Staff
EyeToy Set for Major PlayStation 3 Role
SPOnG has been picking up on gossip over the past six months or so which foretells a major revision of the EyeToy camera, long-term darling of accessible grandma-friendly gaming, constituting a major element of the PlayStation 3's as-yet secret functionality.

As well as recent claims the new EyeToy will deliver a blow to Nintendo's Revolution plans and feature depth-recognition technology (an open secret at Sony for some time now) an official video puts the new device alongside the Cell Processor and PlayStation 3's hard drive as being on the top tier of announcements.

The video, sent around by SCEA to promote its upcoming E3 showing, mentions the PSP and the PlayStation 2, then moves onto PlayStation 3-specific announcements. “Hardcore gamers really want to know one thing: What's going on with PlayStation 3...” the video outlines. It continues, “If they announce anything, [the video is set as though its presenters aren't reading SCEA script. They are.] about pricing, release date, future titles, network platform.. [interestingly unexplained: Network Platform is the codename of SCEJ's in-development online network]” Then it explains we'll be seeing “...Blu-Ray, Cell Processor, hard drive news, EyeToy and so, so much more!”

As you can see, EyeToy sits atop an impressive roster.

Expect full coverage of all things Sony direct from the conference on May 8th and the E3 showfloor between May10th and May 12th.



crs117 25 Apr 2006 16:48
As fun as it is to play around with the eye toy and its mini games, I have yet to play any game that could possibly be developed into a fully featured title in any concievable way. I mean in one word...accuracy. This is where nintendo actually using location based controllers that transmit actual physical location details comes in. If done correctly and the controller is accurate, as many are stating it is, eye toy will remain just an unessential add on for gaming, that may serve its purposes better for video conferencing, video blogging etc.

Eye toy...yeah that will be a ps3 system seller lol.
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