What Does Jack Thompson Stand For?

Familiarity breeds niceness! Take a look at our Jack Thompson interview.

Posted by Staff
What Does Jack Thompson Stand For?
Today, SPOnG published an interview with Jack Thompson . The outspoken Florida lawyer took time out of his busy schedule to speak to us about his work, and to clarify precisely what his aims are.

EDIT: Since publishing this piece Jack Thompson launched some kind of botched legal attack on Penny Arcade, hinting that he is totally insane. We kind of like him though. Because he may well be totally insane.


bogfar89 18 Oct 2005 16:02
Bit of a u turn.
VastikRoot 18 Oct 2005 16:38
Have you heard how he now wants Penny Arcade arrested for donating money to charity in his name?
Hmm, i'm not sure how that helps implement a recognised and working age ratings system for games in America...me thinks there is more to this mans vendetta than meets the eye. Or is he just nuts?
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Dreadknux 18 Oct 2005 18:46
I'm not completely sure I understand where SPOnG is coming from with that interview. With all the negative points that have been coming out from Jack Thompson's litigations over the last month, you would have thought that SPOnG would have made a point on this. This interview seemed more like a timid 'profile' interview job. He wasn't challenged at all for the rather insane things he has done, or the controversy of his plight.

It all just seemed one sided, and as someone has said before, a distinct U-Turn.

I play Take-Two for leisure, and I'm winning.

You didn't even pull him up on this, how snide of a comment is that? Plainly obvious he wasn't talking about any games here.

You had an opportunity here to put the criticisms gamers (decent-minded gamers, not those who spam his inbox) have against his aims to him - you may have gotten some replies that would have directly opened up his mind as to what he wants to do, and to show the gamers in the world what he's really about. But the answers here were purely bread-and-butter self-promotion responses. But maybe that's more due to his own self-greed rather than the actual questions themselves.
crs117 19 Oct 2005 05:02
I am truly dissapointed in spong for making any effort to try to justify Jack Thompson's self promoting tyriads (sp?) against the gaming industry. How can we as gamers take this site seriously if you are going to try to put reason behind this greedy, publicity seeking lawyer. I mean just a couple of days ago many of JT's so called supporters sent him a cease and desist letter.

I do not mind if you guys try to balance out stories for their one sidedness but shame on you for even trying to take this joke seriously.
Smelly 19 Oct 2005 10:34
I like this bit:

Jack Thompson wrote:
But I'm not sure how any human being with a life and a conscience can justify spending any considerable time playing games in what amounts to useless mental masturbation that helps absolutely no-one.

Does that mean he sees fictional books/tv/cinema/any past time done for fun as "mental masturbation"?

What's with this seeming obsession with sex anyhows? Too many games? :-)

fluffstardx 19 Oct 2005 13:39
What amuses me is this "mental masturbation" he is so keen to vilify has actually had a positive effect on many, and aids socialising, hand-eye coordination and teamwork, which is something neither films nor music - other "mental masturbation" forms, surely - can't offer.

I can see where he is coming from, as I too think kids shouldn't be watching stuff the age rating is supposed to guide them away from and not to; the difference is, that is the whole of my opinion on the matter, besides that I believe it is up to parents and sellers to enforce the ratings as they should be doing with other age-rated material. Everything he has done hasn't achieved this goal, especially picking on Rockstar (whose games, it must be stated, always carry a high age rating and as such are certainly not for kids) over Hot Coffee (an unlockable not directly accessible bit of harmless rubbish).
OptimusP 19 Oct 2005 18:09
Jack Thompson is actually aiming for the wrong people, games have ratings with huge numbers on the front of the cover so you can't blame the gameindustry. As previous allready suggested, Jack should be blaiming retailers and parents (hopefully not in the same matter as he does the gameindustry).

If he's goals are indeed to keep children away from these violent games then i suggest he changes target to prove he's legit, if not then it's justified we call him an attention-craving law-suit seeking ass who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Smelly 19 Oct 2005 19:27
Im going to stick up for him here.

"games have ratings with huge numbers on the front of the cover so you can't blame the gameindustry"

NOT IN AMERICA!!! In america, any kid can buy ANY game. Personally i'm ALL FOR his argument that children should be banned from buying such games, in much the same way i wouldnt want kids going out and buying a porno or violent movie.

What i do find offensive is being told playing games is pointless and masturbatory for the brain. I do find offensive being told that sex in an adult rated game is a far worse thing than violence.. etc etc.

But I'd be the first to admit that his original mission is in the right place (stopping kids playing adult games in america). What i dont agree with is the sensesaliation (damn i cant spell) he's putting games which dont deserve it just to prove his point.

miacid 20 Oct 2005 11:08
His main aim is sound, stop kids playing adult game, I think everyone will agree this would be a good thing.

If he stopped there I wouldn't have a problem with him, although he then goes on to attack gamers directly, the whole masturbation thing already mentioned. Plus:

Jack Thompson wrote:
"No, I am not in any sense a 'gamer'. I've been too busy to do that. If that response is taken to be a criticism of how gamers spend their time, it is because it is intended to be."

Okay he may not understand our passion but why in an interview with a games site, slag us off. It's as though he is using this whole age rating issue as an excuse to attack the games industry or, it could just be that he feels so strongly about this that it has consummed him that or perhaps he is stark raving bonkers!

I don't think we'll ever know, although hopefully people are going to start realising that his arguments are floored and he will disapear into the swamp he came from!

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