Taxi Driver. The Game. Oh yes

The dream lives – Get the clippers!

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Taxi Driver. The Game. Oh yes
Taxi Driver has for a long time inspired dangerous loners, telling them that it’s okay to buy illegal firearms, murder people and generally go bananas. However, watching the action in movie form simply isn’t enough – How could the Scorcese flick, believed to be the man’s best non-epic movie by many, become a more socially dangerous IP?

By making it into an interactive videogame, of course. Essentially a movie about the effects of war of the human psyche and the dangers of social exclusion, the 1976 film cast Robert DeNiro as Vietnam vet Travis Bickle, bent on stalking child prostitute Jodie Foster and killing her pimp Harvey Keitel, whilst stalking election campaigner Cybill Shepherd.

Majesco announced yesterday that it has picked up the right to the movie and has commissioned development studio Papaya to create games for as yet undisclosed platforms.

“Nominated for four Academy Awards, Taxi Driver remains one of the most iconoclastic films of our time," said Ken Gold, vice president of marketing at Majesco. "We look forward to developing a game that remains true to the spirit and style of the movie, and embodies a total entertainment experience."

Expect details at E3, with the final game slated to ship early next year.


Joji 16 May 2005 14:33
I really think this is in poor taste. It as though any film is worth the risk no matter how controversial and real creativity is out the window.

This is what some folk with money think will be popular. All of a sudden I feel as though games have become Hollywood's bitch. Once the Lion King was game fodder and now this. Have we really sunken that low.
kid_77 16 May 2005 14:46
But bad taste sells. The publishers won't worry (even if it plays like a bag of spanners) because it will be marketed to high-heaven and sell by the truck-load. The GTA phenomenon shows us that gangster culture is the gaming darling at present... And with The Godfather also on the horizon, it doesn't look like slowing down any time soon.
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