First Xbox 360 Hardware Glimpse – Click Here Now

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Posted by Staff
First Xbox 360 Hardware Glimpse – Click Here Now
Released by Microsoft’s bee-loving viral marketer Ourcolony, SPOnG can confirm that this image is indeed a close-up of the Xbox 360 hardware, with the shot debunking the *Internet’s Wrong News Service’s report that a white case was to be employed.

It is, as you can see, silver casing that has been opted for. Close, but no cigar.

SPOnG has had the image verified by publishing sources privy to the final design as being genuine. This isn’t a red herring, it is a close-up of the final 360 design.

Expect more soon, including the official unveiling of the machine, a trailer for which you can see here on, as it breaks.

* You know who you are.


Showing the 20 most recent comments. Read all 22.
DougalDC 22 Apr 2005 14:02
well, i was sent this link a couple weeks ago, supposed to be from an x2 dev presentation, so no-doubt strictly NDA, but i'll put it here see what you guys think..
kid_77 22 Apr 2005 14:07
From that shot I can't really envisage the final design? Presumably the shot was taken upright, and if so it looks like the top of a PC tower case.

Not really got anything against it being grey-silver.
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kid_77 22 Apr 2005 14:10
Already been discovered, I'm afraid

DougalDC 22 Apr 2005 14:15
thats cool, no worries, just ive not seen it anywhere on the net but there,
Metr0 22 Apr 2005 14:25
Autobot wrote:
Lets all hope the system looks better than this cause its making me worried.

This coming from the guy with the illegible-text-lens-flare-rainbow-bright-avatar. Forgive me if I call you aesthetic acumen into question.
LUPOS 22 Apr 2005 14:28
Metr0 wrote:
This coming from the guy with a rainbow and lens flare avatar. Forgive me if I call you aesthetic acumen into question.

that was uncalled for... and HI-F**KING-LARIOUS!!

i hate it when i laugh out loaud at work you bastard... someone is goign to figure out that i dont do anythign all day!

Jay 22 Apr 2005 14:47
DougalDC wrote:
well, i was sent this link a couple weeks ago, supposed to be from an x2 dev presentation, so no-doubt strictly NDA, but i'll put it here see what you guys think..

I think that's actually been confirmed as J Allard's lunch box
Zeo [banned] 22 Apr 2005 15:56
Well thank God SPONG had it CONFIRMED with their "inside sources."

Oh wait, they didn't. They just stated the obvious.
Radiant 22 Apr 2005 15:56
It's the attached hardrive on the side of the 360.
So what your looking at is the view from top down. (keep in mind the xbox is an upright console)
fluffstardx 22 Apr 2005 16:12
Well, although the one in the link you were sent doesn't match the one SPOnG has as "official", remember a few things:

1. We were told customisation was part of 360's marketing. Surely, multiple colours of console could be amongst this?
2. That is definately Mr Allard. I had it zoomed in and could identify him from his HAND. He's very distinctive, somehow. So the pic you linked is definately real.
3. It was a dev meeting. The machine in your pic could be a dev housing, and not a fully finished design.

It reminds me of the Panasonic Toughbook notebook PC, and I actually quite like that. Looks portable too, so they're going to encourage more LANage...
Ditto 22 Apr 2005 16:53
Thankfully this console looks like it might have the DS plastic-like looks.

I am still hoping Microsoft flops this generation. Sorry for the blatent anti-Microsoft comments, but I really can't stand the thought that that particular company could be in control of gaming from next gen.
LUPOS 22 Apr 2005 16:58
Adam M wrote:
I am still hoping Microsoft flops this generation. Sorry for the blatent anti-Microsoft comments, but I really can't stand the thought that that particular company could be in control of gaming from next gen.

its getting hard chasing you aroudn the forums... cant keep up...

as for M$ succeding.. all i want is for all 3 of them (M$ sony ninty)to do equally well!
if they all have a good 3rd party support.. the average person coudl just by the one whose exclusive match their intrests and the nut jobs liek us coudl by them all guilt free!
westerhive5 22 Apr 2005 19:27
Adam M wrote:
Thankfully this console looks like it might have the DS plastic-like looks.

I am still hoping Microsoft flops this generation. Sorry for the blatent anti-Microsoft comments, but I really can't stand the thought that that particular company could be in control of gaming from next gen.

Agreed, however, I believe that Microsoft is doing what it has done in the past. Apple was the first to create a true interactive interface WAY back when (mouse to icon control etc). Microsoft then proceeded to utilize this primarily for their interface. Why not steal a good idea, rather than come up with your own. What is the relation to this. Aside from encasing the dev kits in a G5 case, it seems like they're stealing the sleek Apple-esque design sceme to capitalize on aethetic appeal. The depth of the gaming industry used to be ideal for swimming, now you can barely get your feet wet. Except of course if you dare to wade into Nintendo's end of the pool.
chasing 22 Apr 2005 22:52
in all fairness, apple stole the gui from xerox
chasing 22 Apr 2005 23:01
PS engadget's making a liar out of you
GeoffreyBa 22 Apr 2005 23:20
chasing wrote:
in all fairness, apple stole the gui from xerox

thank you for realizing that. I didn't know how many people actually knew about that. my uncle has worked at xerox for ages now, and I must say that you are totally correct about it. That's why my uncle supports microsoft more then he does apple, because even though he knows what microsoft is as a company, atleast they got apple back for what they did to xerox.
horngreen 23 Apr 2005 03:03
You were hoping for a white console because another site said it would be white. Is color really that important? Are you all so wrapped up in yourselves that a game console color actually has you "worried"? Will you not buy it because of the color? Launch games have no bearing on your choice? Features? I actually registered on this site just to post this comment because what I've read here is proof you can't please everyone. Did you buy the first Xbox? In case you didn't notice it is dull black with a huge black X on it and the size of a Betamax machine but NOW color and style are important? Whiny punks.
LUPOS 23 Apr 2005 11:56
Mother Efing IE crashing son of a b$%ch! i hate having to rewrite posts... ahh well not liek im doign anythign else...

I, for one, am glad you decided to join our little discusion, because i hate the idea of someone wandering around blindly through a world they dont understand, being angry at things and thoughts and feelings that confuse them. It's unhealthy. Hopefully i can straighten you out a little bit before you go postal on soem kid in the EB you work at cause he does want to buy the blue GBAsp.

This my friend, the thing your looking at, is a forum (yes i know its actualy a computer monitor, stopid beign so literal!) i.e. a forum for discusion. Discusion of what you may ask? Anything you want. This particular thread (sorry if the techno speak is confusing you, try not to get mad, perhaps you should try counting down from ten, if you cann't do that, its nothign to get upset over) is about what people thought of the new image of the next xbox. Which, incase your confused, means this tiny little corner of the internet here, is ment specifically for peopel to share their "OPINONS" of the look of it. Now, you are probably asking yourself "what does all this have to do with me?", thats cause your to stupid to figure it out, so i shall explaine further. You came in here and attacked people for sharing their opions in a space designed specifically for that pupose, thats makes you an ass hole. Furthermore you professed that you signed up a new acount here at spong just so you could do it, that makes you a big ass hole. Then, the aboslute best part, is that not one person on here actually said they wouldnt buy it if it was ugly, not one, so the opinion you where trying to belittle was nto even repressented here! Ergo, you are a big anger filled presumptuous ass hole who tries to make himself feel beeter about his sad life be trolling sites looking for people to insult. You, my friend, are the spittign image, of a punk (and not the cool sid vicious kind either... the bad kind... the kind that makes punky brewster change her name!)

P.S. since your new here let me save you a little trouble, i always have tons of typos and punctuation errors, and i really dotn f**kign care, so dont waste your tiem pointing it out.

"im so bright, it's like redundant to have the sun out!"
vault 13 24 Apr 2005 04:53
LUPOS wrote:

Thanks for the link Lupos. I think I'm going to buy God of War now.

As for the new X-Box news. It's still all speculation. These images could even be fakes leaked out my Microsoft themselves!!! (*gasp)Perish the though you say! Microsoft lying? Confusing and tricking us? NO! How dare they. It could be. Microsoft is being ultra secretive and careful about their new baby. It wouldn't suprize me if they put these out to trick us. Although hackers and the gaming community are smarter than Microsoft, evident by all the virus attacks and security loopholes they've found in Windows XP. So finding said images shouldn't have been too hard for people like us.

*Windows eXPerience in virus protection and extensive firewall knowledge needed to successfully keep your machine clean.*
fluffstardx 25 Apr 2005 09:38
Well, it's all from ourcolony, so it's all official...

From the looks of things, multicolour cases are definately available.
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