Gizmondo Desperation: Price Drop Via On-Screen Adverts

£100 off at retail – targeted advertising plan revealed.

Posted by Staff
Want to see something funny? If you live in or around London, visit the Gizmondo store on Regent Street. In it, you’ll see some consoles, a few poor games and some very bored, somewhat mystified sales staff.

Let’s face it folks, the Gizmondo has a hell of a battle on its hands. Right now, the asking price for a Gizmondo is a staggering and entirely untenable £230. If you select the version with adverts, you’ll get a 'oner' cleaved from this figure, making it, well, making it £30 more than a Nintendo DS and probably around the same price as a PSP.

It’s a shame really, as the Gizmondo does represent some good ideas such as GPS and so on. However, as far as SPOnG can see there are two Goliaths that right now won’t even notice the bloody bones of Tiger’s David staining their soles.

The ads planned by the Gizmondo team do sound as unintruisive as possible, with only the home menu showing them. The list of advertisers touted also makes for impressive reading, with Universal Music, Smart Cars, Warners Music, EMI, 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros.

The press release announcing the move states, “The Smart Adds themselves will feature anything from new trainers, to video clips of new albums, movie and game trailers, DVD previews, even advi-games direct to the device. Most importantly they're non-interruptive, i.e. a movie or a game will not be interrupted by the Smart Add, only when the user returns to the Home menu will be they be broadcasted to the device. Squarely focused on the MTV generation with similar tones and relevance to that particular audience, owners of this model will not receive ads for washing up liquids, tax return reminders, or stair lifts.”

But Thora Hird? What about Thora Hird..?

Ahem. To date, in spite of many calls and emails, SPOnG has heard nothing from the Gizmondo team. If you're out there, speak to us. Perhaps we're missing something...


Mendez 12 Apr 2005 16:06
Jake! Jake! Look!

SPOnG's slagging off your favoured/employer's handheld.

C'mon Jake. Where's your considered and incisive prose on this matter?
SPInGSPOnG 12 Apr 2005 16:18
The Smart Adds themselves will feature anything from new trainers, to video clips of new albums, movie and game trailers, DVD previews, even advi-games direct to the device.

This is some evil s**t. The world a f**king toilet and companies like this are pulling the f**king chain, watching us all float around with the turds before we're washed down the f**king drain.

Won't someone stop this endless barrage of marketing to kids? Let's face it, the best product doesn;t stand a chance when the cheapest (to produce) has the biggest marketing budget. Quality is now a quaint concept, now only affordable by the very rich...
more comments below our sponsor's message
TigerUppercut 12 Apr 2005 16:25
Jake wrote:
Gizmondo is great, blah, etc...

*awaits sales figures*


*awaits year of shuffling as whole concept sinks*


Go TapWave!


Edit: I just hope that a few executives manage to snatch a good chunk of investment money in the meantime. Really, that would be great!

Rod Todd wrote:
My avatar has change, please have sex with me

How much change? More than a fiver?
Pandaman 12 Apr 2005 20:18
I'm waiting on Spong's review of the lawn mowing game before I pick up my Gizmondo.
Pilot13 12 Apr 2005 22:01
Won't someone stop this endless barrage of marketing to kids

The average person sees 3,000 ads a day. And kids won't be buying Gizmondo's anyway. They all want PSPs.

And I'll get a Gizmondo provided Race gets a higher score than Mario Kart DS.
Joji 13 Apr 2005 00:02
LOL, told you this was going down like a bad mix of drinks in your gut. It was only a matter of time before they crumbled. 100 quid today perhaps 50 within the end of the year.

Is anyone likely to care? Not really when you can have a PSP or DS.
SorelissLarethian 13 Apr 2005 00:37
this might as well have been the worst timing of all time.. sorry could have had a bright future but not even microsoft will be able to bring you back from where they'll send you...
soanso 13 Apr 2005 05:28
Gizmondo? Adverts?!

I didn't know EA were making games for it!!

fragworld 13 Apr 2005 07:49
Although I won't be buying one - I think the headline is a bit unfair. I remember reading one of the Gizmondo brochures back in November 2004 and it clearly said that they would have a subsidised unit where adverts would be sent to the unit.
Ditto 13 Apr 2005 08:06
Well, this will probably shift a few more units. Quite reasonable advertising terms.

However, if I were a Gizmondo owner I would be getting very concerned regarding their millions being spent on promotion and sponsorship of events. I would have thought a "get an excellent product in the hand of players and it will sell" approach would be better than a "get the brand shown as much as possible" approach.

These millions could have been spent developing new games for the unit.
DoctorDee 13 Apr 2005 11:03
Pilot13 wrote:

The average person sees 3,000 ads a day.

Says who. That stinks of "made up" to me.

I see about three adverts a day, so I feel sorry for the poor bastard who is evening the average out.
micta 13 Apr 2005 12:54
Alan is my first name wrote:
I'm waiting on Spong's review of the lawn mowing game before I pick up my Gizmondo.

You'll be waiting a f**king long time, pal. We haven't even laid eyes on a Jizzmondo yet.
SorelissLarethian 13 Apr 2005 14:44
haha indeed with an ad time about 35" in order to watch all those 3000 ads you should be watching continuously for 72 days or 1750 hours lol.
Ditto 13 Apr 2005 15:22
I'll tell you what, I've been looking at Tiger's share price and it doesn't seem to have suffered as a result of Gizmondo at all:

What's even more interesting is comparing to the financials of Infinium Labs:
(Use the drop-down list to go to financials)

Rather dire. I'm surprised they're still operating.
Fridge 13 Apr 2005 15:38
"haha indeed with an ad time about 35" in order to watch all those 3000 ads you should be watching continuously for 72 days or 1750 hours lol."


3000 ads at 35 seconds each = 1750 minutes or 29 hours...

Secondly - who says all ads are on tv? Even looking atthis web page I can see two. Walking to the bus stop in the morning I see two billboards, a few in the bus, and probably another 50 or so by the side of the road, on bus stops, other busses etc on the way to work. I probably visited 100 web pages this morning, averaging, what, three a page? The radio plays about 4 ads every 20 minutes (though not sure if we're counting repeats)

Not sure 3000 is such a ridiculous number...
DoctorDee 13 Apr 2005 15:41
SorelissLarethian wrote:
haha indeed with an ad time about 35" in order to watch all those 3000 ads you should be watching continuously for 72 days or 1750 hours lol.

I'm guessing they mean"marketing messages" and not adverts. So it'll include all the static suff (that takes no time at all) to wtch and all the product placement in films and videos, and all the classifieds

Still sounds like a lot to me... Does Pilot13 care to say where the info came from?
raaamesh 13 Apr 2005 19:47
whats a gizmondo O_o

and i cant afford the £5 day travelcard cause im a poor student =(
Ditto 14 Apr 2005 16:26

Handheld console-cum-textphone.
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