$33 million for Commodore

Surprise as brand fetches monster pricetag.

Posted by Staff
The infamous chicken head
The infamous chicken head
In the games industry, we have become used to Euro-centric computer gaming brands being regularly snatched up for a veritable song. Manic Miner, for instance was purchased for 500 pounds.

So it has come as quite a surprise to most watchers to learn that the Commodore brand, famed in the eighties and early nineties for its C16, C64 and Amiga offerings, is about to be sold by owner Tulip Computers for $33 million.

Dutch Tulip claims it has agreed to sell all patents and the Commodore brand to Yeahronimo, best known in Europe for providing music and video downloads to web consumers.

"We have heard a lot from the existing community of Commodore users, asking 'what's happening' with what they see as their brand," Yeahronimo CEO Van Weijhe said. "We plan to talk with them and listen to them."

Yeahronimo has already staked an interest in reviving Commodore gaming, with the firm setting its sights on offering content, as yet undisclosed, to computer and mobile device users. Website Commodore World will offer classic game and music content on demand.

With the deal set to close within the next week or so, both parties have agreed to work together to clamp down on Commodore IP infingements.


kid_77 4 Jan 2005 13:57
I simply can't wait for Shadow Of The Beast 4 !!!
Joji 4 Jan 2005 15:02
Some people have too much money to spend. Yes, the name is well known but do we really want it branded on games again like Atari and taking credit where it's clearly not due?

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