All bluster, lying and bias aside, the Commodore Amiga was the finest all round computer ever in the history of anything now, then and forever more to have graced this or any other planet. So, the fact that some highly tasteful individuals are paying loads of cash to distribute Amiga games CAN ONLY BE a GOOD THING!There really is no argument here. The skinny is that Writers' Group Film Corp - "a company which licenses classic video game libraries and re-publishes the most popular titles for smartphones, modern game consoles, PCs, and tablets" has bought a metric shedload of Amiga titles.
According to the release, the deal, "consists of the acquisition of 100% of the common stock in Amiga Games Inc. in exchange for Writers' Group common stock and cash valued at approximately $500,000. The 300+ gaming titles to be distributed by Amiga Games are available to the company under existing licensing agreements with various intellectual property owners. Writers' Group will be making additional announcements over the next several weeks regarding Amiga Games' new and existing distribution arrangements with the best-selling smartphone, tablet and other device manufacturers."
Writers Group