After the "will it, won't it?" debacle surrounding "Capcom Fighting All-Stars" (which was concluded by "it won't", in case you didn't know) Capcom has revealed that it do have a new fighting game on the way after all. As Capcom is prone to doing, it will draw reference from various corners of its existing catalogue in creating "Capcom Fighting Jam". So the characters on the select screen will consist of veterans from Street Fighter II, Street Fighter III, Street Fighter Alpha, Darkstalkers and Red Earth. The player can mix-and-match these characters and then embark on some 2-on-2 two-dimensional scrapping.
Fighting Jam is penned for a pre-Christmas 2004 release in North America (only on PS2) and will hopefully make the trans-atlantic transition not too long after. In the meantime, expect SNK to announce "SNK Pugilistic Marmalade" for the über-hardcore NeoGeo heads.