GTA: San Andreas First Screens

Bah! Who needs E3 anyway?

Posted by Staff
Rockstar didn’t feel the need to go all the way to LA and show its game to anyone, perhaps out of complacency, laziness or brazen confidence on their part. Whatever their reasons, they thought now might be a good time to release a few teasing screenshots onto the game’s official website,

The three screenshots on the other end of that link mark the beginning of the wild speculation about what new additions might be included. There seems to be a new ‘chopper’ bicycle, vehicles that can carry whole gangs (firing Uzis from the sun-roof) and a suitably menacing South Central style backdrop. Plus the excellent comic-style artwork seems as enticing as ever.

Stay tuned for all things GTA related.


config 12 May 2004 13:43
Wow! These screens are great. They manage to convey just who ... umm ... orange GTA:SA will be!

Nice one R*. In one simple announcement you've manage to increase my interest in GTA:SA by a massive zero percent.

Not that I aren't interested. I'm just tired of R*'s up-their-own-arse attitude to pimping the GTA titles (see what I did there?)
R* PR brainstorming session: "Oh, let's 'accidentally' leak the name to Amazon months ahead, then release three shoddy screens. Leave it a month or two before we release further screens that are as informative as a quadriplegic mute. We'll break out the 'guerilla and viral marketing handbook' and put up a mild humourous faux gangsta-rap website (which we'll barely update after launch), followed by a whole parade of vapid screens drip fed two or three at a time ..."

Pilgrim 12 May 2004 14:30
Yes, you're right - Rockstar's PR is truly terrible. Give me a self-promotional fact sheet and a 20 screens that are identical save for the camera angle any day of the week. Sigh. If you can't glean a mass of info from those shots then I can lend you my specs.
crafty bison 12 May 2004 14:47
Good points config. We don't learn anything at all except we can guess that the 'theme' will be orange, in the same way that Vice City's was pink.

On a side note, the twin beauties who were used to promote Vice City weren't actually in the game, IIRC. Surely this construes false advertising?
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