PlayStation 3 named and dated! Stop everything, read this.

Sony plays first hand. The race is on…

Posted by Staff
PlayStation 3 named and dated! Stop everything, read this.
Yesterday evening in Tokyo Sony Computer Entertainment made the first concrete details of PlayStation 3 known to the world, after what seems like one of the longest waits in the technology sector ever.

It named it’s next PlayStation console, the third generation of Sony gaming console, as the PSX - the name its first machine was dubbed almost ten years ago.

The firm also stated its intentions to release the machine this year in Japan, much sooner than the rest of the world, and Sony’s competitors, had envisaged.

Sony said that a launch in the US and Europe would come in 2004.

Talking of the PSP and PSX, SCE said the two “will mark the beginning of a new series of products that will unite the most advanced electronics devices with the leading-edge semiconductor technology associated with the game sector.”

As to whether the PSX is an all-new console, or simply a PlayStation 2 with a hard drive and DVD burner, remains to be seen.

Stay tuned for everything PSX, right here, as it breaks.


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