Half-Life 2 Stuns E3 Audiences

No half measures here

Posted by Staff
Half-Life 2 Stuns E3 Audiences
Already being heralded as the 'E3 Game of the Show', Valve's sequel to the critically acclaimed Half-Life has been revealed for the PC. Unlike other sequels and updates at the show, this is a giant leap forward. Bearing in mind the high quality of the original, that is really saying something.

The characters, the plot, the environments, are all represented with exceptional detail. There's even a facial-physics engine, accurately simulating 40 different facial muscles used to contort the characters' faces into appropriately dramatic expressions. Wood splinters, glass shatters, mattresses burst, brickwork crumbles, bullets ricochet… there seems to be dedicated physics engines for every material in the game!

The gameplay features have come on leaps and bounds too. Freeman will be able to build up bands of allies to help him on his way, drive vehicles around the streets, and chuck chemical grenades into the midst of invading aliens. With all that adorning a compulsively nail-biting script, we can promise you that this will be an incredible game.

We'll most certainly have plenty more details in the coming few days.


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