The general consensus regarding Nintendo and E3 2014 is that despite not actually giving a live presentation (Ninty delivered a "Direct" video presentation instead) the Wii U company did very well indeed. NoA president, Reggie Fils Aime has taken that impetus forward and has made some bold claims.He states in a recent interview that, "The dirty little secret is if you look at life-to-date numbers, between Sony and Nintendo they’d be pretty close in terms of PS4 vs. Wii U, with Xbox coming in third place. I think it’s going to be a three-horse race for the balance of this cycle." He then extends this...
He tells the
Seattle Times in answer to the question, "Will you ever outsell them on a monthly basis?"
"You know, it’s going to be very interesting to see the NPD data [on U.S. sales] for June."
And why does he think the Wii U has done so well? Is it just a brief boost from
Mario Kark 8?
"If you rewind the tape", he says, "we always said the Wii U was a games-first console. The message was it’s games first. It has on top of that the social elements of Miiverse and then on top of that the media aspects with a range of video.
"That’s exactly what we’ve executed. On the video side — Netflix, YouTube, Hulu Plus — all of that content is there; there are more content options coming. We believe it’s a nice secondary message, we always have, but absolutely the primary message is games first."