Microsoft Makes Xbox Live Reputations Count

Microsoft wants to help you with your reputation

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Microsoft Makes Xbox Live Reputations Count
Xbox One is going to introduce the kind of "community-powered reputation system" on Xbox Live that would make your aunty proud, "to help better inform players about their behavior in the community."

On Xbox One, there are currently categories of player reputation score – "Green = Good Player," being the large majority of our users, "Yellow = Needs Work" and "Red = Avoid Me."

Here's the theory, "The more hours you play fairly online without being reported as abusive by other players, the better your reputation will be. The algorithm looks to identify players that are repeatedly disruptive across the community on Xbox Live."

Here are those levels in full:

• “Good Players” – The majority of gamers will fall into this level. As we’ve said before, we have plans to introduce rewards for good behavior and look forward to sharing more in the future!

Warnings for “Needs Work” – Beginning this month, some players will start receiving reputation warnings as their reputations drop due to feedback from the community. The purpose of these communications is to remind players about their effect on the community and encourage them to have more positive interactions. These warnings are based on community feedback collected since Xbox One launched.

Penalties for “Avoid Me” – If players do not heed warnings and continue to have a negative impact on other players and the Xbox Live community, they will begin to experience penalties. For example, people with an “Avoid Me” rating will have reduced matchmaking pairings and may be unable to use certain privileges such as Twitch broadcasting.

Actually, it doesn't seem too harsh. Until you look at the flabby wording of, "For example, people with an “Avoid Me” rating will have reduced matchmaking pairings and may be unable to use certain privileges such as Twitch broadcasting," which is open to all sorts of pitfalls.

Source: Microsoft


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