EA CEO - "Every Video Game is Hard To Make"

"To make a video game you have to be passionate..."

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EA CEO - "Every Video Game is Hard To Make"
Andrew Wilson is the CEO of Electronic Arts (yes, you might have forgotten that John Riccitiello resigned). He's been chatting about what's he's made of this first few months in charge.

Now, given that EA has become the easy-to-hate company in games, it may come as either a surprise or a shock to hear Wilson - 13 years with EA - say, "Every video game is hard to make. It takes long hours, and you really have to love it. What I hope comes with me in this job is that there's that renewed passion for what we do, which is make great interactive entertainment."

Now usually we can find something to snipe at in an interview with a CEO in games but, right now with Wilson saying stuff like:

"If the industry can avoid the distraction of platforms, of geographies, of business models, and really just focus on making great games for whatever their target audience is, for whatever that gamer-centric group of people is; then I think we'll be all right. "These other distractions are not without merit and they're important, but they can't be your center."


"Great games work no matter what platform you're on or what business model that you're going with. If you can provide great entertainment, then you can really get down to that minute-to-minute interaction that's fun and enjoyable and feels like great value."

Then we're prepared to live in hope.
Source: Forbes


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