TitanFall for Mac in Play

A non-Microsoft platform to get EA and Respawn must-succeed title

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To be honest, a translation of TitanFall from PC to Mac makes a load of sense if all of a sudden a bunch of designers feel the urge to virtually BLAM! each other. Otherwise you'd expect the 'Independent' developer Respawn to port the game to PS4.

But it looks like the Mac and Mac users will get access to the must-succeed, hardcore gamer, multiplayer title before PS3 or PS4 owners get a look-in. And that news comes from Respawn boss Vince Zampella.

Vince was asked, "any talks of a Mac version comin soon? I could buy it and try to run it through a windows program but It might not work."

To which he responded, "We are talking to Aspyr, they should do it."

You may know that Aspyr (geddit) is the self-styled, "Greatest Mac Publisher on Earth ever" and has bought ports of Civ V, Borderland 2, and Bioshock Infinite to the platform already.

Source: Vince Zampella


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