Zettai Zetsumei Toshi: New screens and details

Remember that strange Japanese Earthquake survival game we told you about ages ago?

Posted by Staff
Japanese games company Irem has released some new screenshots from its intriguing title Zettai Zetsumei Toshi, the PS2 game that puts the player in the middle of the aftermath of a huge earthquake in Japan.

You play as a reporter who finds himself trapped on an island in the middle of the city, accessible only by one bridge. Unfortunately, this bridge has been destroyed by the quake. You must find your way out of the aftershock-ridden environment, rescuing survivors on the way.

It would appear that a large amount of the landscape is available to interact with, making this a Shenmue-type experience, but with gameplay and a purpose. You will be able to utilise abandoned vehicles as you go, to find drinking water and medical supplies.

We will keep you updated regarding the possibility of a European release.


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