Rumour: PS4's DriveClub Won't Hit Hardware Launch

Could be delayed until 2014

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E3 2013
E3 2013
Rumours are swirling that PS4 launch title DriveClub will be delayed until 2014, with Kotaku having thrown its hat in the ring to support the reports.

It started with games site TheSameCoin claiming that an 'anonymous source' had told it the game had been bumped to spring. Now Kotaku's Jason Schreier states that "a person familiar with goings-on at Sony told me this afternoon that the report is true."

If DriveClub actually is delayed, this could cause some serious problems for Sony - previously, PlayStation Plus subscribers had been promised a free version of the title - a replacement offer seems fair, right?

DriveClub was demoed as a key showcase for the PS4's social features, detailing interaction between players as a main point in its gameplay.

Watch_Dogs has already been delayed this week, and as a repercussion, both Microsoft and Sony are expected to lose out on launch sales. Losing a first-party launch title on top of that will be a real blow to Sony's launch line-up.

Source: Kotaku


Daz 17 Oct 2013 15:48
I wasn't getting it away(outside of PS+), I hope Black Flag isn't delayed otherwise I'll have a PS4 and nothing to play
Garold 18 Oct 2013 05:53
I am still very much happy with my PC Game Trainers
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