CoD: Ghost Developer: Are Smaller Studios Struggling With AAA Titles?

"Are people only interested in realistic assets and high production value?"

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CoD: Ghost Developer: Are Smaller Studios Struggling With AAA Titles?
Infinity Ward developer Rubin recently spoke about smaller studios and their struggle to put out AAA titles due to expense & difficulty to make.

“It’s a scary thing,” he said, “and I’ll take my Call Of Duty hat off for a minute here, but games are becoming harder to make, more expensive to make."

“I feel like smaller studios are having trouble – I can’t speak for them but I would think – are having trouble making games that fill the big AAA market because they’re harder to do. It is kind of a bummer that games are getting so hard and difficult to make. People want better and better graphics, they want more realistic looking art assets and that comes at a cost and that’s a hard thing to have to deal with.”

We really like that question; "Are people only interested in realistic assets and high production value?", so, post your answers below!

Thanks for that vg247


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