Saints Row IV Refused Australian Classification - Again

Drug references are still a problem

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E3 2013
E3 2013
Saints Row IV has been denied classification in Australia for a second time, meaning that as things stand it still can't go on sale in the territory.

A statement from the Review Board informs us that, "In the Review Board’s opinion, Saints Row IV could not be accommodated within the R 18+ classification as drug use related to incentives and rewards is not permitted."

When the game was initially refused classification the reasoning included the availability of the Alien Anal Probe weapon. It would seem from the probe's omission in the statement that it has been dropped. The drug use, clearly, has not.

This used to be a more common occurrence in Australia prior to the introduction of the R 18+ rating. Back in the bad old days, games that couldn't be accommodated by the MA15+ rating would be refused classification. Games refused classification can't be sold, hired, demonstrated or advertised down under.

Saints Row IV is the only game to date that has run up against the same problem with the new R 18+ rating.


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