Sony's PS4 Passes Test in USA

US government is happy to let it go on sale

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Sony's PS4 Passes Test in USA
The 'not yet slim but it will be in two years time' PS4 may already have sold out of the limited numbers made available to retail but disaster could still have struck it's on sale date.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the USA could have slapped Sony down on some tiny technical point brought up by the commission's heavy testing program.

Fortunately for us all, this hasn't happened.

According to Ubergizmo the retail console followed its development level sister straight through the process. The reports many pages of detail, "point towards the consoles’ polished exterior... and a maximum clock frequency of 2.75GHz..."

Also noted are, "two system labels that have been marked with “Made in China” and “Made in Japan”" So. no surprises there.


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