Typing Space Harrier first look

Type fast, shoot stuff, get confused

Posted by Staff
Crazy old Sega, eh? Not content with releasing Typing of the Dead, a version of House of the Dead in which zombies are dispatched via the magic of rapid typing as opposed to nailing them with guns, a typing-based version of Yu Suzuki’s classic Space Harrier has been created.

The format of the game is simple: The faster you type, the more enemies your little Harrier shoots down.

The game has been released in Japan for PC with a European version highly likely.

Keep your eye out for Space Harrier Pinball for GBA too!


roger 14 Jun 2008 15:25
Can anyone tell me whre to get typing Space Harrier?

If so Please contact WWW.svenskaswedenzweden@yahoo.co.uk.
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