Metro Last Light Developer: Wii U Has "Horrible, Slow CPU"

Change in tone from 'focusing on what we know'.

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Metro Last Light Developer: Wii U Has "Horrible, Slow CPU"
Someone's not a fan of the Wii U. 4A Games, the developer behind upcoming THQ shooter Metro: Last Light, has declared that it will not be working on a Nintendo version of the game due to limitations in the hardware.

"[The] Wii U has a horrible, slow CPU,” said chief technical officer Oles Shishkovtsov. THQ's Huw Benyon added, "We had an early look at it, we thought we could probably do it, but in terms of the impact we would make on the overall quality of the game - potentially to its detriment - we just figured it wasn't worth pursuing at this time."

The game was originally headed to Nintendo's new console - the platform featured prominently in an early demo reel. At the time of its cancellation, THQ said that the reason was so it could "focus on what we knew" on other platforms.

Benyon added that THQ could work out the kinks and build a Wii U version in the future, but nothing is set in stone yet. "It's something we might return to. I really couldn't make any promises, though... We had an initial look at the Wii U, but given the size of the team and compared to where we were last time [developing for PC and Xbox 360], just developing for the PlayStation 3 is a significant addition."

Source: NowGamer


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