First Nintendo Wii U TV - Hits in the UK

Everybody has an opinion on marketing nowdays... it's an advert... learn to deal

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First Nintendo Wii U TV - Hits in the UK
Nintendo premièred its Wii U advert on the telly on Sunday. It was on Channel 4 (that significant). It was during Homeland (that is significant too), it was informative (significance much?) but also a teeny bit quirky (sig-nif-ic-ant n'est pas?) And now everybody on the Internet has an opinion on it.

Firstly it's sexist against girl gamerz. Yes it is. Watch it below and tell us that it isn't!

See! Blokey's playing games while the lass is all controlling and "Get off the gaming you chump, there's girl-telly to watch! Or, of course, it's a perfectly good advert used to sell the benefits of a video game console.

Are you - all of a sudden - a marketing professional? Tell us your thoughts on the Forum.


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