Microsoft Stopped Rare's Killer Instinct 3

More interested in broadening the demographic

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Microsoft Stopped Rare's Killer Instinct 3
On the day of the announcement that UK games development stalwart Sony Liverpool Studios (aka Pysgnosis) is to close, we get to hear that Microsft's purchase of Rare was never going to lead to smooth working ways.

Former Rare man, Donnchadh Murphy states that, "It seemed that MS didn't want to take the risk in Rare doing anything outside the younger demographic, they quickly forgot the companies [sic] heritage. We started to lose a lot of great talent then, people were losing job satisfaction, so they just left" before talking Killer Instinct 3.

He lays out the sorry tale, "Probably the same game every Rare fan wants to see and that's Killer Instinct. We all wanted to make KI3, but Microsoft (was) more interested in broadening their demographic than making another fighting game. So it never got made, I doubt it ever will."

More at OXM


PaulRayment 22 Aug 2012 14:57
Sounds like a smart idea by Microsoft. There's plenty of fighting games out there with Capcom pretty much flooding the market on their own. Plus, nostalgia aside, KI wasn't great.
ergo 22 Aug 2012 15:50
The assumption would have been that KI3 would have come out *before* CAPCOM et al flooded the market, so it could have been Rare reviving the fighting game market and NOT CAPCOM.
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