HMV's Pre-Owned Will Respect "Lifecycle of Publishers’ Products"

Whatever the hell that means...

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HMV's Pre-Owned Will Respect "Lifecycle of Publishers’ Products"
For some reason, in business it is a respected skill to be able to say one thing that appears to mean something only for it to either mean the opposite or to mean nothing at all. Try the following statement from HMV's departing CEO Simon Fox.

"We have put a lot of thought into this and we want to do pre-owned responsibly," he tells MCV. Sounds good, but responsible to who?

The fantastic Mr Fox says,“... in particular, we want to do it in a way that respects the lifecycle of publishers’ products. Pre-owned is an important part of what we do, but equally what we want to do it – and in fact have committed to doing it – in a responsible way that doesn’t undermine that lifecycle.”

What on earth does that mean? Tells us in the comments or over on our Free and Friendly Forums.

Source: MCV


luciferous 16 Aug 2012 14:45
Probably means that games will only be kept on shelves for a limited time and decrease rapidly in both price to purchase and price to sell back to HMV making it less likely that the product will be returned.
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