UK Games Retail Hits an All-Time Low

Summer slump is worst yet

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UK Games Retail Hits an All-Time Low
UK games retail has had its worst week of software sales since records began, according to data from UKIE/GfK Chart-Track.

MCV reports that just 394,688 games were sold last week. As we reported earlier in the week, SEGA's official Olympic game took the top spot.

There are several factors you can point a finger at for games retail's problems this year (and last week's poor performance in particular). A generally poor economic climate, GAME's troubles, the end of the console cycle and the rise of digital are all probable factors. Some commentators have also pointed to events such as the Jubilee and this summer's glut of sporting events - most recently the Olympics, of course - as things that may have distracted consumers.

Add in the usual summer lull in releases and you start to get a picture of why last week's record low occurred.

Hopefully Saturday's reasonable launch for the 3DS XL will have lead into a better week of sales.


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