David Cage: Beyond Interface May Change Before Release

Also, controls are like God of War right now

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David Cage: Beyond Interface May Change Before Release
The highly anticipated (yes, already) follow-up to Quantic Dream and David Cage's Heavy Rain is Beyond: Two Souls and according to Cage, "You're in control all the time and the prompts are used much more like in God of War."

The difference, you see, is that in the previous title from the studio, "In Heavy Rain, where Jayden was chased in the market, for example, you were just evading the cops. He was running on his own, he was choosing his gun on his own, you were just choosing prompts."

But things change for new game:

"Here, when she's in the forest, you are controlling Jodie. When she runs on the slope, when she runs in the forest, when she runs in the train, wherever she is. You're in control all the time and the prompts are used much more like in God of War."

So, what we're seeing is what we'll get? Maybe not. Mr Cage explains:

"This has the same interface at the moment. That may still change before the end, (but) this is not the same gameplay..."

Source: CVG



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