Horrible Hardcore News for Nintendo: Wii U Won't Get Unreal 4

So says journalist-cum-spokesman for Epic

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Horrible Hardcore News for Nintendo: Wii U Won't Get Unreal 4
The Wii U will not find the support of Epic and its soon to be revealed Unreal 4 Engine if information conveyed by embedded 'journalist' Geoff Keighley is to be believed.

The information came last evening as 'journalist' Keighley answered a question regarding the as yet un-revealed engine online. He was asked: "can you hint if the Wii u will be able to run Unreal Engine 4."

He replied:

"No, at GDC Mike Capps said Wii-U will be Unreal Engine 3."

With a number of game series using UR3 and predicted to move to the upgrade in New Gen consoles times, this does not look good for the hardcore on Wii U.

Source: Twitter with a hat-tip to Rob Crossley at CVG


deleted 29 May 2012 11:15
Does this really matter, i mean look at current gen, Call of Duty and its outdated ID Tech engine still sells millions and millions, Minecraft has blown away COD records and its 8 bit looky likey graphics deffo aint UE4 or even 3, A HD Mario, Zelda etc will perform massively, i woudlnt say its Horrible news maybe cross platform will look a better choice on rival consoles, but we are yet to really see how the tablet will make up for this.
Honestly. This guy HAS NO close working relationship with Epic Games or Nintendo so he realty had no idea what he was saying
his information was taken from what he saw in a slideshow at Epics GDC presentation where the wii u was included in the Unreal Engine 3 presentation. He knows wii u can run unreal 3.... we all do. But the Unreal engine 4 presentation had no consoles or future platforms connected to it. So HES wrong, he was only saying what he knew. The wii had a recent bump in specs and I believe nintendo made this so it could run ue4
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Ergo 29 May 2012 15:47
Err, it's an *engine*--how is this "horrible"?!?! Even if it doesn't run it, games *do* run on engines other than iterations of Unreal!

(Say it w/ me again: IT'S AN ENGINE, *NOT* A GAME. Christ.)

And if the U becomes the lead plat for multiplatform (it will if it sells better than they do), it won't matter anyway, since the other versions will be shackled to it.

And, finally, game art costs are *completely* out of control--if you can't sell multi-millions at this point, you can't turn a decent profit. If you think adding *more* art requirements (and UE4 will *require* this) is good for anyone except the most deep-pocketed pubs and studios, you need your head examined.
me 29 May 2012 20:25
well epic has come out and said today that they dont even know what can run it at the moment other than the PC.. so this guy is just wrong. So who do you believe some retard presenter or EPIC.

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