Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Single-Player Failures

Treyarch adding fails...

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Single-Player Failures
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will have a single-player campaign. Well of course it will, what the hell are you going to do when the servers are impossible to get onto on the day of release? Single-player will fill a good two hours. And this campaign will have failures.

Treyarch studio chief Mark Lamia says, "We want to create a campaign. We have a whole team that's focused on creating the campaign. It's what we do. It's what we want to create. We want to create a campaign, multiplayer and zombies."

But what of failures?

"As creators we wanted to do something new inside the campaign structure and make the game play new and unique too and make it something that if you failed, the story would progress and note that you failed."

Failed! Blimey.

Source: Kotaku


Daz 26 May 2012 11:58
I like the concept, always bugged me that it was game over if your team mate/escortee died, especially if in the next cutscene the died anyway. But 2 HOURS!? does this "Whole team" also consist of 1 person? they wanna create a campaign, multiplayer and zombies? at 2 hours it doesn't seem like they do, I suppose they expect people to pay full price as well?
john 27 May 2012 03:33
u r a hater and stop hating cod. black ops2 will be better than mw2 bo1 and mw3 it is different from all the other cods thats why i like treyach they take risks with theri game.
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Daz 27 May 2012 13:52
@john I'm not a hater of cod, I'm hater of 2 HOUR games for £50
XeroCheese 27 May 2012 15:06
We live in a world to where people are just simple minded for anything over 3 hours of story mode.
luk3ru1z 28 May 2012 08:38
i agree with this guy i love a campain that challenges me and gives me some real game time to get from start to finish, paying the full price for a game that wont acomplish this not goner happen, i love the online gameplay aswell dont get me wrong but its nice to have a fully drawn campain to help set me into the games rythm before hitting it off online.
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