Stormtroopers Raid Blockbuster for Kinect Star Wars

Five lucky punters walked home with a free R2-D2 Xbox 360 console.

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These are the consoles you are looking for. Last night, a small army of dedicated Star Wars fans queued up outside the Blockbuster rental store in Clapham to be the first to get their hands on a copy of Kinect Star Wars.

Of course, driving a lot of the attention here was the fact that the first five in line would get a free R2-D2 Xbox 360 console as well as a free Blu-ray boxset of the Star Wars movie saga. First in line to take all these lovely prizes home was Jess Holland. And indeed, she was most chuffed with the swag.

There were 45 more Blu-ray boxsets left aside for other customers in the queue for the midnight launch. A lot of happy faces right now, no doubt, particularly at Blockbuster who staged its first first major video game launch event.

Customers could trade in a number of recently-released games to net themselves Kinect Star Wars for just 99p too, if they wanted. SPOnG's review of the motion-sensing Jedi adventure is coming in just a short while - you'll be able to know then if it's worth sacrificing your Street Fighter X Tekken for it.


DrkStr 3 Apr 2012 12:38
A bit cruel giving away a 360 and Blu-rays you can't play on that 360. :-)
Steve 3 Apr 2012 17:26
Damn. I was hoping to go to that. Thought it was tonight.

Ah well. Saved some petrol I suppose...

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