GAME: EA Rift is 'Temporary'

Both companies looking to resolve issues.

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GAME: EA Rift is 'Temporary'
GAME has moved to douse the flames of speculation surrounding its decision to not stock Mass Effect 3, releasing a statement to shareholders that marks the rift between the retailer group and Electronic Arts as "temporary."

"Today the Group confirmed that it will not be stocking a small number of titles from one supplier, Electronic Arts, during March and notes that this has caused speculation in the market," reads the statement.

"This situation, which is a result of ongoing discussions between the Group and EA, is a temporary one and indeed both businesses are already engaged in discussions about future launches together. It is always a matter of regret when customers are inconvenienced, and both the Group and EA are committed to ensuring that this situation does not occur again."

EA also released a statement; "GAME’s challenges with several of its suppliers is regrettable. However given the incredibly high demand for Mass Effect 3, we want our consumers to know that the game is available at a wide variety of retailers across the UK and Europe."

via MCV


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