Sony Owned Guerrilla Co-Founder Leaves His 'Baby' - Goes to EA's Visceral

Arjan Brussee heads off to EA studio

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Sony Owned Guerrilla Co-Founder Leaves His 'Baby' - Goes to EA's Visceral
Arjan Brussee, co-founder and Technical Director of Guerrilla Games is leaving the studio he started, leaving the Netherlands and leaving his job title.

Never fear though, he is leaving the Sony-owned studio to join Dead Space dev and EA-owned Visceral Games in the USA to as an Executive Producer.

ControlOnline - from Holland - reports that, "To our question why his 'baby' leaves Brussee says: "At some point your child is mature, it may be only the wide world. The folks at Guerrilla are absolutely world class and can now only pick up further. "

In an email to staff - who must surely be bemused to see a co-founder and director leave to become a producer - he states that, "It has been a great ride. Every year there was something ambitious, new and inspiring to put my energy into. For me, I now want to find a new personal challenge, which i hope to find at EA HQ near SF, CA and who knows where this will take me next."

Cheers to VG247


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