6.5 Million PlayStation Consoles Sold Over Christmas

Sony has a Happy Holiday.

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6.5 Million PlayStation Consoles Sold Over Christmas
Father Christmas had apparently been packing a vast number of PlayStation consoles in his sack, because Sony's posted some rather healthy sales results over the holiday period. Some 6.5 million units of hardware was shifted between 18th November to 31st December.

The PlayStation 3 took the majority of that meaty sales pie, exceeding 3.9 million units and on track to reach a target of 15 million by the end of the fiscal year. PlayStation Move sold an additional 1.7 million units, and Sony says more titles are on the way to support the controller during 2012.

PlayStation Vita launched in Japan to great press release acclaim, with Sony revealing that the new portable device sold half a million units from 17th December. Over 70 titles are in development for the Vita for release in Japan alone. Let's hope Monster Hunter arrives sooner, rather than later.

And Sony wasn't prepared to ignore its last-gen console and handheld predecessors, the PS2 and PSP. The former managed to shift half a million units, proving that the aged console is still making an impact in the gaming world, while the latter sold 1.6 million units - the majority of those likely coming from Japan.

A press release isn't complete without some nearly-nonsensical sales waffle. "SCE will continue to deploy various measures to further expand the PlayStation business with strong support from users as well as 3rd party developers and publishers, and will vigorously enhance the world of computer entertainment system that is possible only on the PlayStation platforms," said a statement. Brilliant.


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